Minutes September 2017
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12 September 2017
at the Banks Community Centre, Hoole Lane.
Commenced 19.15
Concluded 20.45
Present: Bill Abram
Dorothy Hames
Chris Lennon
Malcolm Barron
Bill Abram
Steven Douglas
Tom Blane
Parish Clerk David Maughan
Public Participation
• Speeding on the A565 was a concern and Cllr Barron to take matters forward with LCC.
• In respect of accidents on the A565 public were advised that there was a further meeting last week to progress the Green Lane link
• With regard to state of the roads, we were advised that Keith Iddon was looking into the responsibility for road sweeping
• In respect of the state of the village, volunteers being sought to tidy various aspects of the village
• With regard to potential flooding, we are to ask WLBC to enforce Planning matters
50/17 Apologies
• Cllr O’Hare was absent through illness
51/17 Declarations of Interest
• None received
52/17 Minutes of the previous meeting
• Approved.
53/17 Police Report (verbal)
• Not present
54/17 Clerk’s progress report on decisions taken at last meeting.
• Nothing to report
55/17 Clerk’s report on any urgent decisions taken since last meeting
• Nothing to report
56/17 Finance
Chq No. Payee Description Amount
Clare Murphy Salary 487.50
Jean Mannering Salary 227.50
David Maughan Salary 738.73
HMRC Tax & NI 129.87
Johnsons Skip 175.00
Martland Skip 192.00
Williamson Grass cutting 616.80
Nightfox Alarm 245.00
W J Johnson Engineering 456.48
Clare Murphy Salary 487.50
Jean Mannering Salary 227.50
David Maughan Salary 738.73
HMRC Tax & NI 129.87
Williamson Grass cutting 698.40
David Maughan Green bin 30.00
Johnson Plant Strimmer 76.20
Johnson Plant Strimmer 359.94
Graham Taylor Web Hosting 85.00
RoSPA Inspection 88.20
Brian Parkinson Community Centre 60.00
Tunnys Glass Double Glazing 267.00
Data Protection Data Protection 35.00
57/17 Correspondence for Information
Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
58/17 To receive an update on Leisure Centre
• We had had a meeting to discuss up to date situation in respect of WLBC stance in connection with Leisure Centre on 5 September
• The Banks Leisure Centre had been a topic of discussion between Borough and Parish Council for some time.
• At the West Lancashire Council meeting in June it was expected that this facility would be discussed under the Policy Options paper, in which the Borough Council was to recommend a transfer or close option
• This did not occur as the Leisure Centre had been removed from the options being considered.
• In light of this Officer Kent had proposed that a meeting between the Parish Council and the new Deputy Director of Leisure and Wellbeing, Simon Burnett should be held
• As well as introducing Simon to the Parish Council this would also give them an opportunity to discuss the future of the Leisure Centre
• Simon Burnett advised that whilst the Leisure Centre had been taken off the agenda, it was still part of Leisure strategy to transfer it to an outside body or close and WLBC were still looking for the Parish to take over the running of the facility subject to them being satisfied that we could do so
• Previously, Cllr Blane had requested some funding be agreed by WLBC to cover the transitional period between now and when various implementations had been undertaken (possibly 2/3 years)
• Various matters had been covered and still need to be covered in more detail, including:-
• Employment
• Staffing
• Care in respect of taking over existing staff and potential redundancy and/or pension commitments etc.
• Legalities
• Transferable workforce
• Transitional funding
• Use of precept
• Grant availability – ‘Sport England’, ‘Football Foundation’
• Management committee
• Preparation of suitable Business Plan
• CVS involvement
• Involvement of ‘Nifty Fifties’ and utilising their members for specialist advice (solicitors/accountants etc.)
• Involvement of Serco (Mark Snaylam)
• West Lancashire Community Leisure Trust
• Both Simon Burnett and Stephen Kent appeared keen to work alongside NMPC to take matters forward on a positive way and suggested a ‘Business Plan Working Group’ be formed to progress matters
• WLBC Council Management Team also to be involved and matters to be taken forward to produce proposal to take to WLBC by the end of October
• Business Plan Working Group to be formed (Cllrs Abram, Lennon and Blane initially)
• Clerk to contact ‘Nifty Fifties’ and Badminton Groups to identify potential assistance from their members
• 59/17 To consider the drainage situation at Chapel Close
• Meeting with Rob Hitchcock (WLBC) when need for an outlet to the ditch was covered
• Decided we need the Enforcement Notice acted upon
60/17 To consider traffic speed in the village, especially on the A565
• Cllr Barron to ask Highways to action yellow box (or similar) to assist position on A565
61/17 To receive an update in respect of the planned works at Hesketh Avenue
• Clerk advised that commencement date for works was 14 September
62/17 To receive an update in respect of the External Audit
• We had received the External Audit back with no adverse comments
63/17 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies
a) Police and Community Together (PACT) Panel
Nothing to report
b) Corporate Planning
Nothing to report
c) Community Centre
Nothing to report
d) Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
Nothing to report
e) Health Issues
We were advised that North Meols Medical Centre is now part of ‘Primary Care’
f) Banks Carnival
Nothing to report
g) Health & Safety
Nothing to report
h) Finance
Nothing to report
64/17 Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor
• Only recently returned after recess
• Nothing to report
65/17 Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor
• We were advised that there is a ‘no confidence’ motion to be heard on 15 September
66/17 Planning
Weekly Planning Lists
Date Reference Address
08/08/2017 2017/0733/FUL Aldergrove Centre
15/08/2017 LCC/2017/0064 Becconsall Site
22/08/2017 2017/0680/FUL 104 New Lane Pace
22/08/2017 2017/0734/LDC Melrow Salads
29/08/2017 2017/0827/FUL 163A New Lane Pace
29/08/2017 2017/0844/FUL 18 Leyland Close
05/09/2017 2017/0800/FUL 8 Vicarage Lane
Planning Delegated Decisions
Date Reference Address Outcome
29/07/2017 2017/0316/FUL Marsh Farm Refused
05/09/2017 2017/0626 PNH Refused
Appeal Decisions
Date Reference Address Outcome
08/09/2017 2017/0541/FUL 67 Gorsey Lane Refused
67/17 Date of next meeting
Community Centre
10 October 2017
7.15 pm