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Minutes October 2022

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11.10.2022
At the Hub, Banks
Commenced : 19.15
Concluded: 21.00
Present:Bill AbramJohn HowardDorothy Hames
Chris LennonSteven DouglasLawrence Baxter
Linda Gresty
Parish ClerkAngela Jenkins
Public Participation
 None
55/22 Apologies
 None
56/22 Declarations of Interest
 None
57/22 Minutes of the previous meeting 12.07.022
 Approved
58/22 Police Report
 Nothing to report.
59/22 Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken at last meeting and any urgent decisions
 New lock and keys for gate to Aveling Drive and gate mended and operational.
60/22 Finance Accounts for payment Aug/Sept/Oct 2022
Chq No.PayeeDescriptionAmount
August Cheques
4285,86,87StaffRemuneration (August) Cashed£ 1,545.10
4288Westfield LtdSchool Donation Mugs etc. Jubilee Cashed£ 628.92
4289M Sutton ElectricsElectrics for the CCTV Playing field Cashed£ 467.23
September Cheques signed
4290,91,92StaffRemuneration£ 1,545.10
4293A JenkinsMartland Skip Hire for 44 Hoole Lane Pd by AJ£ 175.00
4294Neil Aughton LtdWater Leaks 44 Hoole Lane£ 72.00
4295Bill AbramRedblade Mowers, mower repair£ 40.68
4296J WilliamsonResetting and repairing gate Aveling Drive
£ 78.00
4297J Fewtrell Gdg SvsCuts/strimming to Playing Field & Churchyard
£ 1,968.00
4298A JenkinsMaster Lock & Safe Lock for Aveling Drive£ 136.10
4299A JenkinsMcAfee Security for Comp until Dec 2024£ 115.59
4300J Fewtrell Gdg SvsCuts/strimming to Playing Field & Churchyard
and flailing around perimeter of Hesketh PF
£ 2,472.00
October Cheques to be signed
4301,02,10StaffRemuneration£ 1,545.10
4303Graham TaylorHosting, Registration Domain, Admin Fee &
changes to website design
£ 410.00
4304A Jenkins/ AmazonPurchased speed camera from Amazon£ 202.16
4305N Power BusElectricity for Christmas lights 2021/22£ 8.56
4306Enigma SignsCCTV Signs£ 144.00
4307John FewtrellCuts, Strimming August Hesketh Ave and
£ 1,968.00
4308Starboard SystemsScribe Computer system for accounts£ 421.20
4309Rospa Play SafetyAnnual inspection of playground£ 113.40
4311WLBCRates Aveling Drive£ 1,029.00
4312John FewtrellSeptember Bill£ 1296.00
4313PKF Littlejohn LLPExternal Auditors£ 480.00
4314A JenkinsExpenses July/Aug/Sept£ 331.70

Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment
schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly
 Balance on Current Bank Account £ 56,547.00 – Reserve Accounts £ 24,129.35
61/22 New Signatories to Bank Account
 Agreed Clerk to add Cllr Baxter and Cllr Gresty to be signatories on Bankline to enable Parish Council to
complete Online Banking usage.
62/22 Correspondence for Information
 Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors no requirements
63/22 Emails Sent to Councillors Sept/Oct
 May 2023 will be Elections.
64/22 New Code of Conduct
 Adopted by Councillors
65/22 To Receive update from WLB Councillors
 Nothing much to report other than the general problem with dog mess in the village.
66/22 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and
outside bodies
a) Corporate Planning
b) Hoole Lane Centre Centre
 Clerk to arrange contracts for Post Office and Food Bank when the remedial works carried out.
 Door to Post Office is to be replaced early November
 Tree in front of 44 damaging roof has been removed and roofer to look at roof as several problems with
the roof of the building, Clerk to report back.
c) Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
 Waiting for Skate Park company to get back with recommendations
 Problem with Roundabout, Cllr Howard to contact Proludic.
 Clerk to contact Police regarding the ruling on CCTV to playground
d) Health Issues
 The Doctors now have a good team in place
 Doctors very busy and a good uptake of the Flu and Covid Vaccination programme.
e) Health & Safety
 Nothing to report
f) Finance
 Nothing to report
67/22 Weekly Planning Lists

DateReferenceAddressResponse DL
18.08.222022/0706/FULSquare House Farm, 21 Square Hse Lane,Banks ,
rear extension
28.09.222022/0894/FUL63 Westerdale Drive – Plain wooden fence to side of

Decisions Determined Under the Delegated System

04.09.222022/0210/FUL13 Leyland Close, BanksWithdrawn
28.09.22T/2022/0102/TP53 Westerdale Drive Banks, fell trees in 1.5mts of
Consented subject
to conditions
02.10.22T/2022/009/TPChipping Manor, Aveling Drive, Cut back treesConsented subject
to conditions
01.10.222021/1336/FUL8 Maesbrook Close, Single storey extensionGranted

All agreed and no action to be taken forward to WLBC in respect of above planning matters
68/22 Planning
 Otterbrook is being inspected by Enforcement and Planning Officers.
 Leyland Close withdrawn
 Todds Lane 3 bed refused
69/22 Christmas Event Hoole Lane
 Road Closure Applied for Sunday 4th December
 Allow for 2 kiddies Rides to be free to use
 The events safety advisory group need to consult residents, letter to be produced in next couple of days to
assess feelings and any issues, Clerk to print.
 Road to be closed from Hesketh Ave to Church Road but access maintained for emergency vehicles.
 Clerk to check that insurance covers Safety Volunteers.
 A figure has been presented that a cost of £ 1,000 to set up road closure and diversion signs and remove
them, agreed by all present.
 Clerk to make sure Christmas lights are operational before the 4th of December
 Event to culminate in lighting of Village Christmas Tree
70/22 Bus Shelters Update
 Details sent Councillors they will inspect shelters and decide what level of work required to each.
71/22 Flood Issues
 There is a meeting 18th October of each of the Parishes and a representative of the farmers with H Fraser
Consulting at Hesketh Bank Hall, to put forward the issues and the following day there will be site
meetings around the whole area.
72/22 Spids Ralphs Wifes Lane/Banks Road
 It is not as straight forward as it once was as in future they have to be removed to another site every so
often, therefore clerk will clarify details next meeting.
73/22 Date of Next Meeting
At the Hub Community and Leisure Centre, Greaves Hall Avenue, Banks
Tuesday 8th November 2022 Meeting @ 7.15 pm