Minutes October 2021
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12th October 2021
At the Community Centre, Banks
Commenced : 19.00
Concluded: 21.00
Present: Bill Abram John Howard Dorothy Hames
Chris Lennon Lawrence Baxter Steve Douglas
Parish Clerk Angela Jenkins
83/21 Public Participation
- None
84/21 Apologies
- None
85/21 Declarations of Interest
- None
86/21 Minutes of the previous meeting
- Approved
87/21 Police Report (verbal)
- Not Present, Clerk to approach PC Steve to attend or give update next meeting
88/21 Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken at last meeting and any urgent decisions
- Nothing other than covered by the agenda items
89/21 FinanceAccounts for payment October 2021
Chq No | Payee | Description | Amount |
4129 | British Lung Foundation | Donation | £ 100.00 |
4130, 4131, 4138 4141 | Staff | Remunerations (October) | £ 2,080.04 |
4133 | WLBC Rates | Aveling & Hesketh Avenue | £ 1,836.32 |
4134 | PKF Littlejohn | External Auditors | £ 360.00 |
4135 | JA Williamson | Grounds Maintenance Playing Fields & Church | £ 499.20 |
4136 | Master Lock and Safe | Pedestrian gate closers x 2 (Hesketh Avenue) | £ 288.00 |
4137 | A Jenkins | Clerk Expenses (April-July) | £ 396.40 |
4139 | Little Treasures | Donation | £ 150.00 |
4140 | Victim Support | Donation | £ 100.00 |
Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly
- Balance on Current Bank Account £ 71,499.24, Reserve Accounts £ 33,226.71
90/21 Audited Accounts
- Completion letter from PKF Littlejohn LLP and accounts Audit for year ended 31.03.21 presented.
91/21 Banking
- Clerk put forward suggestion for Council to go onto Bankline with NatWest Bank with a charge of £20 per month making the bank accounts more transparent. Agreed, clerk to go ahead and arrange.
92/21 Correspondence for Information
- Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
93/21 Emails Sent to Councillors October discussed
94/21 Cadent Gas Proposal for new Gas Govenor
- General consensus the Council want Cadent Gas to leave the work until spring now do not want the field to be damaged. Clerk to pursue.
95/21 Queens Jubilee 2022
- The Queens Jubilee 3rd/4th June 2022, the Parish wish to mark the occasion. The carnival committee will meet over the next few months put a plan together.
96/21 Dog Bins and Signage
- This comes under the Director of Services at WLBC, can more bins be purchased? Cllr Howard will contact WLBC to enquire regarding this.
- Clerk to purchase 5 “we are watching you” signs and 5 bin signs from the Keep Britain Tidy campaign.
97/21 Speed Cameras/Speeding in the Village
- Brochure noted and will look into further after research into existing Spids. Dorman Smith?
98/21 Contracts for works for Parish Council to be reviewed
- Previous Contracts to be re-examined at next meeting
99/21 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies
- Corporate Planning
Nothing to Report
- Community Centre
Nothing to report
- Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
- Work started 18th October on new play equipment and refurbishment
- Skate park signage and disclaimer needs to checked and installed
- Slab needed for Electrical Supply, so Box can be fitted
- Poles for CCTV to be purchased
- A decision has to be made on CCTV
- A problem with rubbish in container
- Health Issues
2 Ladies on Social Prescribing Team now
- Health & Safety
Nothing to report
- Finance
- Budget Group for 2022/2023 budget Cllrs Lennon, Douglas and Howard
100/21 Receive Update from WLB Councillor
- Nothing to Report
101/21 Planning
Weekly Planning Lists
Date | Reference | Address |
15.09.21 | 2021/1081/FUL | 85 New Lane Pace, Banks, Single storey rear extension |
17.09.21 | 2021/1126/PNH | 9 Station Rd, Banks, extension |
Planning Delegated Decisions
Date | Reference | Address | Outcome |
21.09.21 | 2021/0899/FUL | Land Rear of Holly Farm, New Lane Crossens | Amendments Granted |
21.09.21 | 2021/0805/FUL | Riverside Caravan Park, Banks | Refused |
All agreed and no action to be taken forward to WLBC in respect of above planning matters.
102/21 Post Office at Community Centre
- Decisions to made on how to go forward, put forward to next meeting.
- In need of electrician to fix automatic lighting so that the defibrillator can be seen at the front of Community Centre.
103/21 Date of next meeting
At Banks Community Centre
Tuesday 9th November 2021 @ 7.00pm