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Minutes May 2022


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 10th May 2022

At the Hub, Banks

Commenced :  19.15

Concluded:   20.15

Present: Bill Abram John Howard   Dorothy Hames

Chris Lennon Steve Douglas Linda Gresty

Parish Clerk Angela Jenkins

Prior to the start of the monthly meeting the Annual Meeting was held

Cllr Abram was elected as Chairman

Cllr John Howard was elected as Vice Chairman

Committees and Working Groups were elected as at present

Internal Auditor was confirmed as Town and Parish Audit

Agreement was reached to continue to meet on second Tuesday each month with an annual recess in August

01/22 Public Participation

  • None

02/22 Apologies 

  • Cllr Lawrence Baxter 

03/22    Declarations of Interest

  • Cllr Howard (Sugar Stubbs Lane)

04/22 Minutes of the previous meeting 10.05.22

  • Approved 

05/22 Police Report 

  • Nothing to Report

06/22 Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken at last meeting and any urgent decisions 

  • None

07/22 FinanceAccounts for payment May 2022

Chq No.PayeeDescriptionAmount
4249,50,51StaffRemuneration£    1,545.10
4252Graham TaylorWebsite Hosting£    120.00
4253AMV PlaygroundsSeats£  1,427.40
4254K LennonPayment for seating installation£     250.00
4255Zurich MunicipalInsurance£  1,343.26
4256John FewtrellGrounds Maintenance£  1,512.00
4257WLBC Rates Hesketh Avenue£     364.27
4258WLBCRates Aveling Drive (3 months)£     443.05
4259A Jenkins Jubilee Lamp Post Signs£     234.63
4260W AbramAltys –Postfix for CCTV Poles£     356.40

Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly

  • Balance on Current Bank Account £ 55,604.43 – Reserve Accounts £ 33,229.78

08/22 Correspondence for Information 

  • Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors

09/22 Emails Sent to Councillors April/May

  • No actions required

10/22 Actions Regarding emails March/April

  • SPID policy to be completed by Clerk and returned to WLBC

11/22 To Receive update from WLB Councillors

  • Congratulations to Linda Gresty for winning seat on WLBC in recent elections

12/22 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies

  1. Corporate Planning

Aveling Drive was not adopted previously, now adopted,  problems with pavements on right hand side.

  1. Hoole Lane Centre Centre

Internal Door Repair and Window to be repaired next week

  1. Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park) 

Met with Cadent representatives, Bog mats have caused lot of damage no grass in areas, path has been smashed in places, stones and brickbats everywhere.  Cadent representative assured the work would be done with Tom Wignall overseeing. John Johnson is looking to provide PC with original deeds to the park for Cadent.

A request has been made to put some small kiddies rides on the field, will generate a little income for the PC, agreed to allow.

  1. Health Issues
  • Nothing to Report
  1. Health & Safety
  • The Skate Park requires some maintenance Clerk to look into a firm that can repair, look for original details.
  1. Finance
  • Nothing to report

13/22 Planning

Weekly Planning Lists

DateReferenceAddressResponse DL
26.04.222022/0317/FUL7 Leyland Close, Banks – Single Storey extension20.05.22

Planning Delegated Decisions 

10.04.222018/0499/COURose Villa, Georges Ln, BanksWithdrawn
01.05.222020/0878/FUL59 Banks Rd, BanksGranted
01.05.222021/1176/FUL34 Vicarage Lane, BanksGranted

All agreed and no action to be taken forward to WLBC in respect of above planning matters 

14/22 Planning

  • A letter is to be drafted and forwarded to the Planning Department regarding Application 2022/0212/FUL re-send as no response to previous letter.

15/22  Carnival/Jubilee

  • Field Stalls, and Cllrs Abram and Cllr Lennon organising facilities and childrens bouncy Castle and date of Carnival 18th June 2022

16/22 Prospective Youth Club Proposal

  • We have been approached about putting some activities for children with disabilities and Alex who runs the youth club at Moss Lane is interested in setting up a Youth Club at The Hub, these suggestions are being considered.

17/22 Cleaning Bus Shelters and Parish Boards

  • Agreed they are in need of cleaning Clerk to look into suitable companies.

18/22 Date of Next Meeting

At the Hub Community and Leisure Centre, Greaves Hall Avenue, Banks

Tuesday 14th June 2022 Meeting  @     7.00pm