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Minutes July 2022

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12th July 2022
At the Hub, Banks
Commenced : 19.15
Concluded: 20.45
Present:Bill AbramJohn HowardDorothy Hames
Chris LennonSteven Douglas
Parish ClerkAngela Jenkins
Public Participation
 None
38/22 Apologies
 Cllr Lawrence Baxter, Cllr Linda Gresty
39/22 Declarations of Interest
 None
40/22 Minutes of the previous meeting 14.06.22
 Approved
41/22 Police Report
 Nothing to report.
42/22 Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken at last meeting and any urgent decisions
 The invoice for the school cups and medals for the school children for the Jubilee celebrations has come
in over the £ 500 agreed, agreement to pay the £ 628.92.
43/22 Finance Accounts for payment July 2022
Chq No.PayeeDescriptionAmount
4275Wignalls ( 15.6.22)Planning Application (Hub)£ 2,423.32
4276Graysons HE Services
( 15.06.22)
Lining @ Hub£ 600.00
4277C. Cash (30.06.22)Carnival Rides£ 1,050.00
4278,79,84Staff PaymentsRemuneration£ 1,545.10
4280JG & JR MetcalfeHedge cutting & moving ditch playing field
£ 360.00
4281A JenkinsMartland Skip Hire for Carnival skip Pd by
£ 255.00
4282A JenkinsClerks Expenses£ 513.42
4283J Fewtrell Gdg SvsCuts/strimming to Playing Field &
£ 1,968.00

Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment
schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly
 Balance on Current Bank Account £ 45,320.43 – Reserve Accounts £ 24,120.89
44/22 Correspondence for Information
 Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
45/22 Emails Sent to Councillors June/July
 The donation request from Bike Trails is on hold and a donation of £ 100.00 will be made when
established in Banks and needs to be authorised with the Parish Council.
 Public Rights of Way email apply for grant for Church Road and Charnleys, Clerk to apply for grant.
46/22 To Receive update from WLB Councillors
 Parishioners are still complaining about problems around the village on facebook when they need to put
their complaints to the Police, more will be achieved with that.
 There has been a request for a bus shelter at the bus stop by Riverside Caravan Park, this is in Tarletons
jurisdiction, clerk will notify Tarleton Parish Council.
47/22 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and
outside bodies
a) Corporate Planning
b) Hoole Lane Centre Centre
 Clerk to arrange contracts for Post Office and Food Bank.
 Door to Post Office needs replacing
 Tree in front of 44 damaging roof to be removed.
c) Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
 Electric Meter to be fitted on 19th July
 CCTV should be fitted by 22nd July
 A gate is needed at the end of the double fencing at the Fleetwood Drive entrance.
 Cllr Lennon to try and find Company for Skate Park renovation.
d) Health Issues
 Two new receptionists at surgery
 Hoping to hold a PPG meeting ASAP
e) Health & Safety
f) Finance
48/22 Weekly Planning Lists

DateReferenceAddressResponse DL
10.06.222022/0546/FULSite of Former Otterbrook, Moss Lane, Churchtown,
28.06.222022/0584/FULThe Hub, replacement surface29.07.22
29.06.222022/0210/FUL13 Leyland Close, Banks,29.07.22

Decisions Determined Under the Delegated System

16.06.222021/0433/FULMoss Side Farm , New Lane, CrossensGranted
16.06.222022/0543/PNPJA Jones & Sons, 2D Gravel LanePDR not
16.06.22LCC/2022/0030Land @ ST. Annes Forshore (sand winning)No Objections
19.06.222021/1460/FULJA Jones & Sons, 2D Gravel Lane new accessGranted
03.07.222021/1451/FULWyke Heys Farm, Moss Lane, ChurchtownGranted
26.06.222022/0317/FUL7 Leyland Close, Banks extensionGranted

Weekly Planning Lists
All agreed and no action to be taken forward to WLBC in respect of above planning matters
49/22 Planning
 Otterbrook is being inspected by Enforcement and Planning Officers.
 Leyland Close letter objecting to overdevelopment
 Sugar Stubbs Environment Agency involved
 Todds Lane objection due to unsuitable development
50/22 Prospective Youth Club Proposal
 There will be a stand at the Carnival promoting the prospect of new Youth Club to ascertain what activities
may be appreciated.
51/22 Christmas Event Hoole Lane
 Christmas tree, Christmas Market to be arranged with a road closure, possibly children’s rides. Event to
run from possible 10 – 10, a date needs to be decided early December, Cllr Baxter to apply for road
52/22 Bus Shelters Update
 Clerk to get a breakdown of what is needed at each shelter in the Parish.
53/22 Flood Issues Tender
 Has been decided that going forward with H Fraser Consulting Ltd and they will be arranging to do desk
top surveys and coming out for full ground survey in October 2022.
54/22 Date of Next Meeting
At the Hub Community and Leisure Centre, Greaves Hall Avenue, Banks
Tuesday 13th September 2022 Meeting @ 7.15 pm Since cancelled and next meeting 11th October 2022