Minutes July 2022
NORTH MEOLS PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12th July 2022 At the Hub, Banks | Commenced : 19.15 Concluded: 20.45 | ||
Present: | Bill Abram | John Howard | Dorothy Hames |
Chris Lennon | Steven Douglas | ||
Parish Clerk | Angela Jenkins | ||
Public Participation None 38/22 Apologies Cllr Lawrence Baxter, Cllr Linda Gresty 39/22 Declarations of Interest None 40/22 Minutes of the previous meeting 14.06.22 Approved 41/22 Police Report Nothing to report. 42/22 Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken at last meeting and any urgent decisions The invoice for the school cups and medals for the school children for the Jubilee celebrations has come in over the £ 500 agreed, agreement to pay the £ 628.92. 43/22 Finance Accounts for payment July 2022 |
Chq No. | Payee | Description | Amount |
4275 | Wignalls ( 15.6.22) | Planning Application (Hub) | £ 2,423.32 |
4276 | Graysons HE Services ( 15.06.22) | Lining @ Hub | £ 600.00 |
4277 | C. Cash (30.06.22) | Carnival Rides | £ 1,050.00 |
4278,79,84 | Staff Payments | Remuneration | £ 1,545.10 |
4280 | JG & JR Metcalfe | Hedge cutting & moving ditch playing field Nov | £ 360.00 |
4281 | A Jenkins | Martland Skip Hire for Carnival skip Pd by AJ | £ 255.00 |
4282 | A Jenkins | Clerks Expenses | £ 513.42 |
4283 | J Fewtrell Gdg Svs | Cuts/strimming to Playing Field & Churchyard | £ 1,968.00 |
Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment
schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly
Balance on Current Bank Account £ 45,320.43 – Reserve Accounts £ 24,120.89
44/22 Correspondence for Information
Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
45/22 Emails Sent to Councillors June/July
The donation request from Bike Trails is on hold and a donation of £ 100.00 will be made when
established in Banks and needs to be authorised with the Parish Council.
Public Rights of Way email apply for grant for Church Road and Charnleys, Clerk to apply for grant.
46/22 To Receive update from WLB Councillors
Parishioners are still complaining about problems around the village on facebook when they need to put
their complaints to the Police, more will be achieved with that.
There has been a request for a bus shelter at the bus stop by Riverside Caravan Park, this is in Tarletons
jurisdiction, clerk will notify Tarleton Parish Council.
47/22 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and
outside bodies
a) Corporate Planning
b) Hoole Lane Centre Centre
Clerk to arrange contracts for Post Office and Food Bank.
Door to Post Office needs replacing
Tree in front of 44 damaging roof to be removed.
c) Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
Electric Meter to be fitted on 19th July
CCTV should be fitted by 22nd July
A gate is needed at the end of the double fencing at the Fleetwood Drive entrance.
Cllr Lennon to try and find Company for Skate Park renovation.
d) Health Issues
Two new receptionists at surgery
Hoping to hold a PPG meeting ASAP
e) Health & Safety
f) Finance
48/22 Weekly Planning Lists
Date | Reference | Address | Response DL |
10.06.22 | 2022/0546/FUL | Site of Former Otterbrook, Moss Lane, Churchtown, Banks | 08.07.22 |
28.06.22 | 2022/0584/FUL | The Hub, replacement surface | 29.07.22 |
29.06.22 | 2022/0210/FUL | 13 Leyland Close, Banks, | 29.07.22 |
Decisions Determined Under the Delegated System
Date | Reference | Address | Outcome |
16.06.22 | 2021/0433/FUL | Moss Side Farm , New Lane, Crossens | Granted |
16.06.22 | 2022/0543/PNP | JA Jones & Sons, 2D Gravel Lane | PDR not Required |
16.06.22 | LCC/2022/0030 | Land @ ST. Annes Forshore (sand winning) | No Objections |
19.06.22 | 2021/1460/FUL | JA Jones & Sons, 2D Gravel Lane new access | Granted |
03.07.22 | 2021/1451/FUL | Wyke Heys Farm, Moss Lane, Churchtown | Granted |
26.06.22 | 2022/0317/FUL | 7 Leyland Close, Banks extension | Granted |
Weekly Planning Lists
All agreed and no action to be taken forward to WLBC in respect of above planning matters
49/22 Planning
Otterbrook is being inspected by Enforcement and Planning Officers.
Leyland Close letter objecting to overdevelopment
Sugar Stubbs Environment Agency involved
Todds Lane objection due to unsuitable development
50/22 Prospective Youth Club Proposal
There will be a stand at the Carnival promoting the prospect of new Youth Club to ascertain what activities
may be appreciated.
51/22 Christmas Event Hoole Lane
Christmas tree, Christmas Market to be arranged with a road closure, possibly children’s rides. Event to
run from possible 10 – 10, a date needs to be decided early December, Cllr Baxter to apply for road
52/22 Bus Shelters Update
Clerk to get a breakdown of what is needed at each shelter in the Parish.
53/22 Flood Issues Tender
Has been decided that going forward with H Fraser Consulting Ltd and they will be arranging to do desk
top surveys and coming out for full ground survey in October 2022.
54/22 Date of Next Meeting
At the Hub Community and Leisure Centre, Greaves Hall Avenue, Banks
Tuesday 13th September 2022 Meeting @ 7.15 pm Since cancelled and next meeting 11th October 2022