Minutes January 2016
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12 January 2016
at the Banks Community Centre, Hoole Lane.
Commenced 19.15
Concluded 21.00
Present: Cllrs Bill Abram
Stephen Douglas
Tom Blane
Dorothy Hames
Paul Blane
Tom Blane
Malcolm Barron
Parish Clerk David Maughan
In attendance None
118/15 Apologies
• Cllr Lennon had previously sent apologies in as she was ill
119/15 Declarations of Interest
• None
120/15 Minutes of the previous meeting
121/15 Police Report (verbal)
Not present
122/15 Clerk’s progress report on decisions taken at last meeting.
Nothing to report
123/15 Clerk’s report on any urgent decisions taken since last meeting
Clerk advised that repairs to roof at Aveling Drive caused by vandals
124/15 Finance
Chq No. Payee Description Amount
3539 Clare Murphy Salary 455.00
3540 Jean Mannering Salary 197.17
3538 David Maughan Salary 759.71
3537 HMRC Tax & NI 25.16
3542 Lancashire County Training Partnership Course for Cllr Abram 25.00
3541 David Maughan Q3 Expenses 429.69
3536 Brian Parkinson Mtce Fence post repair 174.00
3536 Brian Parkinsom Mtce Roof repair 192.00
125/15 Correspondence for Information
Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors