Minutes February 2021
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 9th February 2021
By Zoom
Commenced : 18.45
Concluded: 20.30
Present: Bill Abram Chris Lennon Lawrence Baxter
Dorothy Hames John Howard Steve Douglas
Parish Clerk Angela Jenkins
Public Participation (6.45 pm)
- Cadent Gas gave presentation about the Gas Govenor and proposals as to siting
104/20 Apologies
- None
105/20 Declarations of Interest
- All Councillors reminded they may need to update Register of Interests
- Councillor Abram and Councillor Howard
106/20 Minutes of the previous meeting 12th January 2021
- Approved
107/20 Police Report (verbal)
- None (Clerk to contact PC Steve for future meeting)
108/20 Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken
- Clerk to check application to Land Registry, and applying for registration
- Cllr Abram to purchase Grit for grit bins
109/20 FinanceAccounts for payment February 2021
Chq No | Payee | Description | Amount |
4070/4073 | Remuneration | Staff Costs | £ 2,062.61 |
4074 | Lancashire County Council | Erection/removal of Christmas Lighting | £ 1,560.00 |
4075 | Alliance Fire Protection | Community Centre Fire Extinguisher Service | £ 36.00 |
Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly
110/20 Confirm requirements in respect of the 2021/2022 Budget and confirm the proposals
- The Council sub-committee had met previously to discuss and make appropriate proposals
- It was agreed that we would submit a request for precept payment of £ 53,691 after Grants.
- Therefore Precept to be raised from Council Tax £53,691.00 with a taxbase of 1543.62 gives a Band D Tax Level of £34.78 a slight decrease of 0.36% on the previous year.
111/20 Discuss Flood Plan and Joining with Neighbouring Parishes
- Emails were sent to other Parishes and meeting organised via ZoomThursday 18th February also invited Amy Hargreaves and Tom Wignall to attend.
112/20 Correspondence for Information
- Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
113/20 To receive recommendations of projects that benefit the Parish
- Need information of where to make cheque payable for bench in village
- New bins required and more salt for the salt bins. New dog bin required Church Road/Fleetwood Drive bus stop.
114/20 Emails Sent to Councillors January/ February discussed
- All dealt with
- Councillor Tom Blane spoke on the Aveling Drive Lights and Drainage.
115/20 Cadent Gas Proposal for new Gas Govenor
- After the presentation there were concerns and a meeting was arranged on site with Councillors to further discuss and present alternatives. Meeting to take place 10 am 18th February at the Hesketh Avenue Playing Fields.
116/20 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies
- Corporate Planning
- Community Centre
- As yet no opening date for the Community Centre
- Alarm system to be replaced 23.02.2021
- Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
- Query over Deed to Park, PC now has copy of deeds and moving to get land registered.
- Health Issues
- The flu vaccinations are being administered at Vaccination centres and also at Banks, they have been well organised and deemed successful.
- Health & Safety
- Pat Testing to be arranged.
- Finance
117/20 Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor
- Further issues over illegal traveller site on Aveling Drive, a motion is on the agenda with Council Planning meeting.
118/20 Planning
Weekly Planning Lists
Date | Reference | Address |
08.01.2021 | 2020/1168/FUL | 38a Long Lane, Banks PR9 8EX change of use garage to holiday/sleeping accommodation |
Planning Delegated Decisions
Date | Reference | Address | Outcome |
26.01.21 | 2020/1079/FUL | 104 New Lane Pace | Granted |
01.02.21 | T/2020/0145/TP | 6 Westerdale Drive Banks | Granted subject to conditions |
01.02.21 | 2020/0795/FUL | 386 Gravel Lane, Banks | Withdrawn |
01.02.21 | 2020/1071/FUL | 18 Glebe Lane, Banks | Granted |
01.02.21 | 2020/1262/PNP | Tinsleys Farm, Marsh Road, Banks | None Noted |
- Councillor Abram declared interest in planning list and abstained from comment
119/20 Sugar Stubbs lane update (Cllr Howard left meeting declared interest)
- This is still an ongoing issue as large amounts of hardcore have been deposited and Enforcement Officer to attend site. Planning are going to forward letter.
120/20 Culvert and Watercourse 16
- Aletter has been sent to the Environment Agency regarding bad flooding twice in January. Will send email to Councillor Blane. The Parish Council will have look into this further.
121/20 Date of next meeting
Via Zoom
Tuesday 9th March 2021 @ 7.00 pm
Part Two
122/20 Leisure Centre
Under separate cover