Minutes February 2018
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13 February 2018
At the Banks Community Centre, Hoole Lane.
Commenced 19.15
Concluded 21.00
Present: Bill Abram
Chris Lennon
Steven Douglas
Tom Blane
Harry Pendlebury
James O’Hare
Malcolm Barron
Parish Clerk David Maughan
Public Participation
- Council were advised of a collapsed land drain at Brightstone Close
- This has led to vermin being noted on residents gardens
- Agreed that Cllr Blane woukld take this up with WLBC
134/17 Apologies
- Cllr Hames had previously sent in her apology for absence as she was attending an equestrian event this week
135/17 Declarations of Interest
- None
136/17 Minutes of the previous meeting
- Approved
137/17 Police Report (verbal)
- Not present
- Councillors requested that we invite local representative to attend next meeting as there appeared to be increasing incidence of speeding, fly tipping, joy riding, and drug use, all of which needs attention and action by the police
138/17 Clerk’s progress report on decisions taken at last meeting.
- Nothing to report
139/17 Clerk’s report on any urgent decisions taken since last meeting
- Nothing to report
140/17 Finance
Chq No. | Payee | Description | Amount |
Clare Murphy | Salary | 487.50 | |
Jean Mannering | Salary | 227.50 | |
David Maughan | Salary | 753.53 | |
HMRC | Tax & NI | 115.07 | |
Briarlee Nurseries | Christmas Tree | 330.00 | |
Bibby (B & C Shelters) | Bus Shelter | 2514.30 | |
Bill Abram | Litter Pick | 20.05 | |
Bill Abram | Litter Pick | 97.59 | |
60th Ormskirk Scout Group | Donation | 100.00 | |
1st Banks Brownies | Donation | 100.00 | |
Banks Brass Band | Donation | 100.00 | |
St Stephens Church | Donation | 100.00 | |
Church at the Centre | Donation | 100.00 | |
Banks Methodist Church | Donation | 100.00 | |
1st Banks Girls Brigade | Donation | 100.00 | |
David Maughan | Skip Hire | 132.00 | |
WLBC | Refund of VAT | 419.05 |
141/17 Correspondence for Information
Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
142/17 To receive an update in respect of the works at Hesketh Avenue
- Drainage works almost complete
- Fencing works to commence shortly
143/17 To consider a request from St Stephens for contribution towards their 150th anniversary celebrations
- Agreed that we would donate £150
144/17 To consider what action to take in respect of state of Hoole Lane
- We were advised that this was a LCC issue
- General concensus was that the state of the road was unacceptable and whoever had previously repaired it should be made accountable
- Clerk to write to LCC and advise them that we wanted action taken as a matter of urgency to have improvements to the road
145/17 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies
- Police and Community Together (PACT) Panel
Nothing to report
- Corporate Planning
- We were advised that a litter pick had been undertaken last Saturday (10 February) and Cllr Abram requested that we get more Hi Viz vests and litter pickers which was unanimously agreed
- Councillors were advised that a former Councillor, Joan Draper, was very poorlyl
- Community Centre
Nothing to report
- Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
Nothing to report
- Health Issues
Nothing to report
- Banks Carnival
Nothing to report
- Health & Safety
Nothing to report
- Finance
Nothing to report
146/17 Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor
- Nothing to report
147/17 Updates from Lancashire County Councillor
- There was a budget deficit of £450m
- Libraries had been restored
- Road money already allocated
- There was a new way of repairing roads so hopefully we should see an improvement
- 6% increase in funding
148/17 Planning
Weekly Planning Lists
Date | Reference | Address |
29/01/2018 | 2017/1225/FUL | 49 New Lane |
29/01/2018 | 2018/0010/FUL | Gore Hall Farm |
06/02/2018 | 2018/0114/PNH | 78 Banks Road |
Planning Delegated Decisions
Date | Reference | Address | Outcome |
29/01/2018 | 2017/1052/COU | 4 Hoole Lane | Refused |
29/01/2018 | 2017/1169/COU | Marsh View Stables | Granted |
06/02/2018 | 2017/1282/FUL | 372 Gravel Lane | Refused |
149/17 Update in respect of Leisure Centre
- There was a Part Two agenda item (press and public excluded)
- This comprised of a presentation from WLSP
- See separate note which do not form part of Minutes
150/17 Date of next meeting
Community Centre
13 March 2018
7.15 pm