Minutes April 2017
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11 April 2017
at the Banks Community Centre, Hoole Lane.
Commenced 19.15
Concluded 20.35
Present: Dorothy Hames
Chris Lennon
Harry Pendlebury
Tom Blane
Malcolm Barron
Bill Abram
Jim O’Hare
Parish Clerk David Maughan
Public Participation
- Members of the ‘Nifty Fifties’ were present and were given an update on the position in respect of the Leisure Centre
- The state of some of the roads in the village were questioned, especially Hoole Lane and Ralph’s Wifes Lane, and it was pointed out that this was a LCC issue
176/16 Apologies
- Cllr Steven Douglas not present
177/16 Declarations of Interest
- None
178/16 Minutes of the previous meeting
- Approved.
179/16 Police Report (verbal)
- Not present
180/16 Clerk’s progress report on decisions taken at last meeting.
- Nothing to report
181/16 Clerk’s report on any urgent decisions taken since last meeting
- Nothing to report
182/16 Finance
Chq No. | Payee | Description | Amount |
3713 | Clare Murphy | Salary | 487.50 |
3714 | Jean Mannering | Salary | 227.50 |
3715 | David Maughan | Salary | 845.73 |
3716 | HMRC | Tax & NI | 33.03 |
3717 | Williamson Engineering | Grass cutting | 196.80 |
3718 | David Maughan | Expenses | 476.56 |
183/16 Correspondence for Information
Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
184/16 To receive an update on Hoole Lane bus shelter
Clerk advised that claim submitted to insurers
185/16 To receive update on Leisure Centre
- Now received response from WLBC offering £23,300 in year one and £11,650 in year two
- Need to decide by October
- Cllr Abram advised that he had arranged site visits from roofer and electrician to initially inspect the centre and nothing untoward had been discovered
- Further special meeting arranged for 18 April, 7.00 pm at Community Centre, arranged to take matters forward
186/16 To discuss situation in respect of Dog Fouling in the area
- Bins to be changed to incorporate litter and dog fouling
- WLBC to determine positioning of the bins
187/16 To discuss ‘Patient Participation Group’ newsletter
- Obviously a Hesketh Bank issue but brought to our attention by Cllr Barron so that we were advised of the situation as some residents here were dealt with by Hesketh Bank practice
- Newsletter had been previously distributed to all councillors so they were updated as to the situation
188/16 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies
- Police and Community Together (PACT) Panel
Nothing to report
- Corporate Planning
Nothing to report
- Community Centre
Nothing to report
- Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
Nothing to report
- Health Issues
Cllr Hames advised Nurse Practioner had resigned and had been replaced
- Banks Carnival
Nothing to report
- Health & Safety
Nothing to report
- Finance
Nothing to report
189//16 Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor and Lancashire County Councillor
- Green bin charge of £30 per annum effective wef June
- £1.4B proposed for Skelmersdale train station
190/16 Planning
Weekly Planning Lists
Date | Reference | Address |
08/03/2017 | 2017/0240/LDC | Units 1 & 2 Greaves Hall |
28/03/2017 | 2017/0278/FUL | Aldergrove Centre |
Planning Delegated Decisions
Date | Reference | Address | Outcome |
28/03/2017 | 2015/1182/FUL | 264 Gravel Lane | Granted |
28/03/2017 | 2016/1178/FUL | Dandys Barn | Granted |
28/03/2017 | LCC/2017/0016 | Exploration Site | No Objections |
04/04/2017 | 2017/0152/PNH | 62 Station Road | Refused |
191/16 Date of next meeting
To incorporate Annual Meeting
Community Centre
9 May 2017
7.15 pm