Agenda October 2022
Next meeting to be held 11.10.2022 @ The Hub, Banks Comm. Centre, Greaves Hall Avenue
@ 7.15pm
Meeting called by: The Parish Clerk In the Chair: Cllr. Bill Abram
Type of meeting: Monthly Clerk: A.Jenkins
Email Recipients: All Parish Councillors
Prior to the business of the meeting there will be a session for public participation, limited to Parish Council. Council
issues will be limited to 15 mins. Public Voice’ will continue so as to allow members of the public to give information
relevant to a specific agenda item. Those who wish to participate please email with
details for meeting
1. Apologies: To receive apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of Interest.
a. Register of Interests: Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests. b. To declare any
disclosable pecuniary interests (DPI) or non-pecuniary interests in items on the agenda and their nature. (Councillors with
DPIs must leave the meeting for the relevant items).
3. Minutes: To consider the approval of the minutes by Council Members regarding 12th July 2022
4. Police Report
5. Clerk’s Report on decisions taken at last meeting and any urgent decisions since last meeting.
6. Finance
To consider payments to be made on list circulated
To present breakdown of quarterly figures and costs for Playing Field refurbishment and Carnival.
7. Correspondence for Information.
To note the appendix of items, which is sent prior to meeting, will be available for any requests
8. Emails Sent to Councillors July, August, September, October discussion/update
9. Adoption of New Code of Conduct.
10. Christmas event at Hoole Lane, lights, market etc
11. To receive any reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working
groups/outside bodies.
a) Corporate Planning | b) 44 Hoole Lane (Contracts) |
c) Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park) | d) Health Issues (Cllr. Hames) |
e) Health & Safety | f) Finance |
12. | To receive an update from West Lancashire Borough Councillors |
13. Planning.
To consider the weekly list of planning applications, to note any decisions made, and any other
planning matters brought to the notice of the P Council as on the lists forwarded and emails sent
14. Bus Shelters Update
15. Flood Issues Update
16. Spids Ralphs Wife Lane, Banks Road update
16. Date of next meeting TUESDAY 8th November 2022 @ The Hub, Greaves Hall Avenue