Minutes September 2021
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 14th September 2021
At the Community Centre, Banks
Commenced : 19.00
Concluded: 21.00
Present: Bill Abram John Howard Dorothy Hames
Lawrence Baxter Steve Douglas
Parish Clerk Angela Jenkins
64/21 Public Participation
- None
65/21 Apologies
- Chris Lennon
66/21 Declarations of Interest
- Councillor Abram re: Little Treasures
67/21 Minutes of the previous meeting
- Approved
68/21 Police Report (verbal)
- Not Present, Clerk to approach PC Steve to attend or give update next meeting
69/21 Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken at last meeting and any urgent decisions
- Nothing other than covered by the agenda items
70/21 FinanceAccounts for payment August/September 2021
Chq No | Payee | Description | Amount |
4117 – 4119 & 4123 | Staff | Remunerations (August) | £ 2,080.04 |
4120 – 4122 & 4124 | Staff | Remunerations (September) | £ 2,080.04 |
4125 | PlaySafety Ltd | Rospa Playground Equipment Check | £ 90.60 |
4126 | FMG Consulting Ltd | Consultancy re: Leisure Centre | £ 2,094.00 |
4127 | JA Williamson | Grounds Maintenance July/August | £ 967.20 |
4128 | Graham Taylor | Domain Name & Hosting/Quartly Admin Fee | £ 265.00 |
Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly
- Balance on Current Bank Account £ 75,079.80, Reserve Accounts £ 33,226.51
71/21 Correspondence for Information
- Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
72/21 Emails Sent to Councillors July/August/Sept discussed
- Agreed to donate £ 150 to Little Treasures group in Banks
- Agreed to donate £ 100 to victim support
73/21 Cadent Gas Proposal for new Gas Govenor
- Waiting for update from Agent, Clerk to chase
74/21 Flood Planning and joining with neighbouring Parishes
- To have a meeting with Amy Hargreave in Oct to decide how to proceed.
75/21 Proposed Newsletter
- Yes to go ahead with newsletter, need to advertise leisure centre and need for volounteers.
76/21 Post Office
- Post Office to remain at Hoole Lane Community Centre, to talk with owner regarding lone worker and possibility of panic button.
77/21 Contracts for works for Parish Council to be reviewed
- Previous Contracts to be re-examined at next meeting
78/21 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies
- Corporate Planning
Nothing to Report
- Community Centre
Nothing to report
- Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
- Work starting 18th October on new play equipment and refurbishment
- Skate park signage and disclaimer need to checked and installed
- Clerk to request grounds contractor to strim the perimeter of field
- Rospa report viewed ay all, some attention to Skate Park Required
- Duncan Roass responded to the problem with water and cleared some drainage to ditch
- Health Issues
Nothing to report
- Health & Safety
Nothing to report
- Finance
Nothing to Report
79/21 Receive Update from WLB Councillor
- Nothing to Report
80/21 Planning
Weekly Planning Lists
Date | Reference | Address |
14.07.21 | 2021/0433/FUL | Moss Side Farm, New Lane, Crossens, Timber Stable Block |
14.07.21 | 2021/0864/PNP | JA Jones & Sons, 2D Gravel Lane, Banks. Determine if prior approval required shade tunnel |
12.07.21 | 2021/0757/FUL | 2 Bonds Lane, Banks, double storey side extension & single side extension |
20.07.21 | 2021/0899/FUL | Land rear of Holly Farm, New Lane, Crossens, Variation of Conditions, Agricultural Storage |
21.07.21 | 2021/0905/FUL | Riverside Caravan Park, Southport New Road, Banks, to for ancillary storage of materials, retrospective |
19.08.21 | 2021/0937/FUL | Crossens Pumping Station, Banks Road, Banks, proposed 1 megawatt solar array. |
06.08.21 | 2021/0964/FUL | JA Jones & Sons, Gravel Lane, retrospective shade tunnels for horticultural purposes |
Planning Delegated Decisions
Date | Reference | Address | Outcome |
07.08.21 | 2021/0864/PNP | JA Jones & Sons, 2D Gravel Lane, Banks, shade tunnel | Refused |
17.08.21 | 2021/0867/LDP | 3 Lancaster Drive, Banks,Lawfulness of demolition of conservatory | Permited |
21.08.21 | 2021/0797/FUL | The New Fleetwood, Hoole Ln, Banks, proposed plant equipment in enclosed yard | Granted |
All agreed and no action to be taken forward to WLBC in respect of above planning matters.
81/21 Councillor Blane
We received the sad news that Councillor Blane had passed away in his sleep . He did a lot for the village of Banks and the North Meols Parish and always had the interest of the residents at heart, was extremely hard working, though he could be sharp at times, always fair and will be sadly missed. It was agreed by all present to send flowers to
Sue and a £ 100 donation for The British Lung Foundation, from the Parish Council for his chosen charity
82/21 Date of next meeting
At Banks Community Centre
Tuesday 12th October 2021 @ 7.00pm