Minutes September 2020
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 8th September 2020
At Communitiy Centre, Banks
Commenced : 19.15
Concluded: 21.00
Present: Bill Abram Chris Lennon Lawrence Baxter
Steve Douglas Brenda Wright
Dorothy Hames John Howard
Parish Clerk Angela Jenkins
Public Participation
- None
28/20 Apologies
- Councillor Kath Lockie was to attend but due to family illness sent apologies
29/20 Declarations of Interest
- All Councillors reminded they may need to update Register of Interests
30/20 Minutes of the previous meeting
- Approved
31/20 Police Report (verbal)
- PC Steve introduced himself and explained what his role is within the community and that it had been extended from 4 months to a permanent position. Works closely with Merseyside Police on cross border crime. They develop intelligence on various crimes within the Parish and other local Parishes.
32/20 Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken
- Duncan Ross fixing Fencing on Hesketh Avenue playing field this week.
- The website need for up grade necessary and council agreed costs of between £ 400 – £ 600 one off payment agreed as necessary.
- Signage for Banks Methodist Church at roundabout not necessary at this moment in time.
- Bus Shelter that was overgrown with hawthorn to be cut back 09.09.20.
- Damaged bus shelter and sign has been repaired
- Parish Boards are to be cleaned and oiled over the next month by Councillor Howard.
- Christmas lights to go forward to next months meeting.
33/20 FinanceAccounts for payment August/September 2020
Chq No. | Payee | Description | Amount |
4010 | Angela Jenkins | Salary | £ 844.66 |
4011 | Clare Murphy | Salary | £ 533.65 |
4012 | Jean Mannering | Salary | £ 249.03 |
4013 | HMRC | Tax and NI | £ 71.31 |
4014 | H Sinclair | Electrics to tree shredder Banks Church | £ 60.00 |
Chq No. | Payee | Description | Amount |
4015 | Angela Jenkins | Salary | £ 844.66 |
4016 | Clare Murphy | Salary | £ 533.65 |
4017 | Jean Mannering | Salary | £ 249.03 |
4018 | HMRC | Tax and NI | £ 71.31 |
4019 | Graham Taylor | Domain name, hosting, quarterly admin | £ 214.00 |
4020 | JA Williamson | Grass Cutting St Stephens, Aveling, Hesketh | £ 489.60 |
4021 | Taylors Contractors | Digger Hire | £ 174.00 |
4022 | Playsafety Ltd | RoSPA report | £ 90.60 |
4023 | JG &JR Metcalf Ltd | Hedge Cutting Guinea Hall Lane | £ 168.00 |
- Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly
34/20 Correspondence for Information
- Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
- Councillor Abram to request several items relating to play equipment
35/20 To receive recommendations of projects that benefit the Parish
- Need information of where to make cheque payable for bench in village
- Next agenda Christmas lights
36/20 Emails Sent to Councillors July/August
- Electricity Bill to be supported
- Fleetwood Crescent drainage from Hesketh Avenue field to be investigated by Councillor Abram and meeting with Duncan Ross regarding installation of drainage to take water away.
- Enquiry regarding allotments gentleman to be notified allocated through Borough Council and Hesketh Bank Allotment Society.
- Hand Sanatising stations, Parish Clerk to look into costs
37/20 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies
- Corporate Planning
- Community Centre
- As yet no opening date for the Community Centre
- Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
- More waste bins needed (Clerk to price), the Skate Park surface needs sweeping (to be actioned).
Issues with products being left lying about, need to pursue possible CCTV (Clerk to get more information together).
- Forward to next meeting Playground ideas, and rectify points in RoSPA report.
- Health Issues
Cllr Hames e-mailed Doctors for an update to pass on at Parish Council, their reply detailed the changes which have been necessary during the pandemic, as well as the flu clinics etc. . Next PPG meeting will be via Zoom.
- Health & Safety
- Nothing to Report
- Finance
- Nothing to report
38/20 Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor
- Cllr Lockie contacted but unfortunately unable to attend due to family illness.
39/20 Planning
Weekly Planning Lists
Date | Reference | Address |
27.07.20 | 2020/0622/FUL | 66 Ralphs Wifes Lane, Banks Proposed Alteration to Approved application 2018/1139/FUL |
40/20 Date of next meeting
Via Zoom
Tuesday 13th October 2020 @ 7.00 pm
Part Two
41/20 Leisure Centre
Not a lot to report a meeting is expected to be held 24th September 2020