Minutes October 2020
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13th October 2020
By Zoom
Commenced : 19.00
Concluded: 19.40
Present: Bill Abram Chris Lennon Lawrence Baxter
Steve Douglas Dorothy Hames John Howard
Parish Clerk Angela Jenkins
Public Participation
- None
42/20 Apologies
- Councillor Kath Lockie was to attend but sent apologies, Councillor Brenda Wright
43/20 Declarations of Interest
- All Councillors reminded they may need to update Register of Interests
- Cllr Hames declared interest in Planning Application 2020/0859/PNP and refraimed from planning discussion.
44/20 Minutes of the previous meeting
- Approved
45/20 Police Report (verbal)
- PC Steve not invited to join but keeping the Parish informed via facebook what is happening in all local Parishes.
46/20 Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken
- Fencing on Hesketh Avenue playing field has been repaired.
- The website now fully upgraded and fully compliant
- Signage for Banks Methodist School Councillor Abram going to liase with school and see what they need.
- Bus Shelter that was overgrown with hawthorn has been cut back on Station Road
- Damaged bus shelter and sign has been repaired
- Parish Boards have been cleaned and oiled by Councillor Howard working much better
- Christmas lights to go forward to next months meeting.
- To finish Zurich Claim Clerk to purchase replacement TV for Community Centre
- Clerk to purchase Zoom Pro for future meetings
47/20 FinanceAccounts for payment October 2020
Accounts for payment October 2020
Chq No. | Payee | Description | Amount |
4024 | JA Williamson | Grass Cutting St Stephens, Aveling, Hesketh Paid 20.09.2020 (July) | £ 576.00 |
4025-28 | Salaries | Remunertion/NI and Tax | £ 1698.65 |
4029 | Graham Taylor | Re Design and Compatibility Parish Council Website | £ 825.00 |
4030 | JA Williamson | Grass Cutting St Stephens, Aveling, Hesketh September | £ 489.60 |
4031 | Duncan Ross Ltd | Repair broken wire fencing Hesketh Playing Field | £ 114.00 |
4032 | Leighton Watkinson | Repair plumbing at Community Centre | £ 36.48 |
4033 | WLBC Rates | Aveling and Hesketh Playing fields rates | £ 1836.32 |
4034 | VOID | ||
4035 | Clerk | Expenses April – June | £ 195.53 |
4036 | Clerk | Paid by PayPal Zoom Pro annual fee for Parish Council Meetings | £ 143.88 |
- Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly
48/20 Approval of Year end Accounts and AGAR form signed
- Agreed and ratified and signed
49/20 Pay Rises for Staff as per contracts and NALC payscale agreed
50/20 Correspondence for Information
- Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
51/20 To receive recommendations of projects that benefit the Parish
- Need information of where to make cheque payable for bench in village
- Next agenda Christmas lights
52/20 Emails Sent to Councillors September/October
- 1. COVID 19 Advice – Track and Trace implemented at Community Centre and the Post Office is using the same code as they are exempt as people do not stay longer than 15mins.
- 2. CIL Spending do you want your say going forward to be discussed November meeting
- 3. Right to Contest Process, no objections put forward
- 10. Notiifcation of Publications of Coastal Access Report Cleveleys to Pier Head Liverpool do we have any input, response November meeting.
- 11. Local Electricity Bill – Clerk responded on behalf of Parish Council
- Various Companies with play ground equipment information sent
53/20 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies
- Corporate Planning
- Community Centre
- As yet no opening date for the Community Centre
- Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
- Litter Bins range in price from £ 120 – £ 500/600 more research to be done.
- Forward to next meeting Playground ideas, further to visit to Play ground area and and rectify points in RoSPA report now and working on funding and ideas for revamp to Play area.
- Health Issues
- Nothing to Report
- Health & Safety
- Nothing to Report
- Finance
- Nothing to report
54/20 Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor
- Cllr Tom Blane attended with update regarding flooding on Aveling Drive and informed us that Steve Kemp has retired and a new department will take over the issue. The issue is being looked into at several different levels. Cllr Blane will update after further investigation.
- Also two large residential caravans have been put on site on Aveling Drive without Planning Permission, has been escalated will be addressed at next full Council meeting.
55/20 Planning
Weekly Planning Lists
Date | Reference | Address |
24.08.20 | 2020/0731/ADV | The New Fleetwood, 11 Hoole Ln. Display signs internal illuminated and non-illuminated advert signs |
09.09.20 | 2020/0738/FUL | 9 Glebe Lane, Banks PR9 8EU Single storey rear extension |
28.09.20 | 2020/0859/PNP | Avondale, Hundred End, Hesketh Bank Determination as to whether prior approval required for agricultural building. |
01.10.20 | 2020/0878/FUL | 59 Banks Rd, Banks, Retrospective application for domestic outbuilding to rear garden |
56/20 Date of next meeting
Via Zoom
Tuesday 10th November 2020 @ 7.00 pm
Part Two
57/20 Leisure Centre
Nothing to Report