Minutes October 2016
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11 October 2016
at the Banks Community Centre, Hoole Lane.
Commenced 19.15
Concluded 20.15
Present: Bill Abram
Dorothy Hames
Steven Douglas
Malcolm Barron
Tom Blane
Chris Lennon
Parish Clerk David Maughan
Public Participation
- Two members of the public were in attendance
- Both present to discuss removal of bus shelter on Hoole Lane
- Were advised that Council had not given permission to remove the shelter
- See agenda item later for action to be taken
67/16 Apologies
- Cllr Paul Blane (Sick), and Cllr Jim O’Hare (Sickness)
68/16 Declarations of Interest
- None
69/16 Minutes of the previous meeting
70/16 Police Report (verbal)
- Not present
71/16 Clerk’s progress report on decisions taken at last meeting.
- Nothing other than what is covered by agenda items
72/16 Clerk’s report on any urgent decisions taken since last meeting
- No urgent decisions taken since last meeting
73/16 Finance
Chq No. | Payee | Description | Amount |
03605 | Clare Murphy | Salary | 468.00 |
03606 | Jean Mannering | Salary | 218.40 |
03607 | David Maughan | Salary | 786.54 |
03608 | HMRC | Tax & NI | 33.03 |
03609 | Williamson Engineering | Grass Cutting | 619.20 |
03610 | David Maughan | Q3 Expenses | 508.35 |
74/16 Correspondence for Information
Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
75/16 To consider ‘Funding for Children’
- As this was requested by Cllr Paul Blane, agreed we would defer until next month
76/16 To discuss ‘Funding for Community Groups’
- Again, as this was requested by Cllr Paul Blane, agreed we would defer until next month
77/16 To receive the external Auditors report and consider a proposition that the complketed Annual Return is Approved and Accepted
- Noted that the Annual Return had been received with no adverse comments from External Auditor
78/16 To discuss flooding situation on Chapel Lane and suggested actions to deal with it
- Agreed that Cllr Hames would draft suitable letter to WLBC to then take forward to them
79/16 To discuss position in respect of removed bus shelter on Hoole Lane
- Clerk advised we were told that shelter was to be removed and that the Council did not have any choice in the matter
- It was understood that it could have been part of the Planning agreement that the developers had to provide a replacement shelter
- Clerk to enquire with WLBC (Ann Veevers and/or Colin Brady) and take forward the requirement with them to enforce the planning requirement
- It was also mentioned that removal of the shelter could be construed as theft and Clerk to take forward as appropriate with Police if necessary
80/16 To discuss policy relating to utilisation of CIL monies in 2017/18 and thereafter
- Agreed to retain as an agenda item for next meeting and form a Working Committee to take forward
81/16 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies
- Police and Community Together (PACT) Panel
Nothing to report.
- Corporate Planning
Nothing to report.
- Community Centre
Agenda item for next meeting to discuss decoration of Community Centre
- Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
- Cllr Abram to liaise with John Johnson in respect of urgent repairs on site and utilise post mix as appropriate
- Clerk to contact United Utilities to ascertain whereabouts of electricity on site
- Health Issues (Cllr O’Hare)
We were advised there is now a clinical pharmacist in situ together with a nurse clinician
- Banks Carnival
Nothing to report
- Health & Safety
Nothing to report
- Finance
Nothing to report
82/16 Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor and Lancashire County Councillor
- Cllr Barron reported that there had been a consultation on libraries and many had been closed but Tarleton saved
- Cllr (T) Blane advised that there was to be a judicial review on Parrs Lane but this could cost the Council a lot of money
83/16 Planning
Weekly Planning Lists
Date | Reference | Address |
29/09/2016 | 2016/0910/FUL | 55 Vicarage Lane |
20/09/2016 | 2016/0770/FUL | Wilmar, Marsh Road |
20/09/2016 | 2016/0886/FUL | 2 Gorsey Lane |
Planning Delegated Decisions
Date | Reference | Address | Outcome |
11/10/2016 | 2016/0685/FUL | 12 Gravel Lane | Granted |
84/16 Date of next meeting
Community Centre
8 November 2016
7.15 pm