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Minutes November 2020


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 10th November 2020

By Zoom

Commenced :  19.00

Concluded:   20.00

            Present:           Bill Abram                               Chris Lennon               Lawrence Baxter                     

Dorothy Hames                                   John Howard

            Parish Clerk   Angela Jenkins

Public Participation

  • None

58/20   Apologies

  • Steve Douglas

59/20   Declarations of Interest

  • All Councillors reminded they may need to update Register of Interests

60/20   Minutes of the previous meeting

  • Approved

61/20   Police Report (verbal)

  • PC Steve not invited to join but keeping the Parish informed via facebook what is happening in all local Parishes. To be asked if would like to attend next meeting via zoom.

62./20  Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken

  • Signage for Banks Methodist School Councillor Abram going to liase with school and see what they need. Will report next meeting
  • Waiting for return of Computers with new systems installed.
  • Disussed format of payments on minutes and agreed to show for publishing figures amalgamated, and Councillors will continue to receive full format for agreement.
  • Parishoner with light ingress was issued details of Planning Dept to write to on 24th October
  • Replacement TV purchased for the Community Centre by Clerk and payment will be made by Zurich Ins into the Parish Account, this will close the Insurance Claim.
  • Clerk to look into claim for damp at centre and leak

63/20   FinanceAccounts for payment November 2020

            Accounts for payment November 2020

Chq No.PayeeDescriptionAmount
4037Royal British LegionPoppy Appeal, wreath£     30.00
4038Ian CropperInternal Audit£   210.00
4039/42SalariesRenumeration£   1796.15
 4043Premier AV Center Invision Technology UK (AJenkins paid CC)New television and bracket for Community Centre (Zurich Insurance Claim being paid into Parish Bank Account).£   420.99
  • Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly

64/20   Pay Rises for Staff as per contracts and NALC payscale agreed

Agreed at October meeting, Clerk did not put in back pay to April so will be in December payment, also hours 20 per week increased going forward due to extra work regarding Leisure Centre and within Contractual hours in contract.

65/20   Correspondence for Information

  • Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors

66/20   To receive recommendations of projects that benefit the Parish

  • Need information of where to make cheque payable for bench in village
  • Christmas Lights to be purchased (Clerk to pay) and organise for them to be fitted by Highways and Transport LCC
  • Agreeed to send donation to same groups as last year Clerk will send out list before next meeting to confirm and ask if any other groups.
  • Compasion Acts Charity are going to approach Parish Council regarding use of the Community Center for their food Pantry.

67/20   Emails Sent to Councillors October/November

  • 1. Coastal Access Cleveleys to Pier Head everyone generally happy with project it involve a few more gates along the Bank.
  • 2. Formal Road Closure 7th December. Noted.
  • 3. Newly published plan Cabinet 10.11.2020 all acknowledged

68./20   To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies

  1. Corporate Planning
  • Community Centre    
  • As yet no opening date for the Community Centre
  • The Alarm at the Centre keeps going off, needs to be overhauled (Clerk to arrange)
  • The access to boiler very poor door needs attention
  • Overlfow to toilet constantly overflowing
  • Heating system making gurgling sounds may have air in system (Clerk to get quotes)
  • Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
  • Zoom meeting 17.11.20 Bill/Chris/John/Angela to discuss what is necessary to make the playground refurbishment happen, infrastructure, electrical supply, lighting, CCTv,etc Further to meeting with Mike from Kompan on site at playing field.
  • What funding required other than what we have in place, needs to be assessed.
  • Health Issues
  • Very much the same at doctors, doors locked and entry via intercom.
  • Health & Safety
  • Pat Testing and Gas Certificate required at Community Centre  (Clerk to arrange)
  • Finance
  • The Finance Group Chris/Steve/John/Angela has a Zoom meeting scheduled for 19.11.2020 7pm, discussing Precept and finances for forthcoming year.

69/20   Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor

  • Cllr Tom Blane attended with update regarding flooding on Aveling Drive and informed us that Steve Kemp has retired and a new department will take over the issue.  The issue is being looked into at several different levels. Dan Massey is the officer regarding Flooding issues.
  • Caravans have been put on site on Aveling Drive without Planning Permission, has been escalated will be addressed at next full Council meeting as an illegal site and leader of the Council has been asked to put on as a motion in January 2021.

70/20   Planning                                                                                         

Weekly Planning Lists

6 October 20202020/0815/FUL178 New Lane Pace, Banks – Demolition of Dbl Garage and construction of shed further down the property.
8 October 20202020/0836/FUL67 Gorsey Lane, Banks – Single storey rear extension and internal alterations to form granny flat.
16 October 20202020/0843/FUL3 Charnleys Lane, Banks – One x Two Bedroom Bungalow
26 October 20202020/0885/FUL10 Station Road, Banks – Drop kerb to the front of the property

71/20   Date of next meeting    

Via Zoom

Tuesday 8th December  2020     @     7.00 pm

Part Two

72/20   Leisure Centre

Update Given