Minutes November 2018
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13 November 2018
At the Leisure Centre, Banks
Commenced 19.15
Concluded 21.00
Present: Bill Abram
Tom Blane
Steven Douglas
John Howard
Brenda Wright
Dorothy Hames
Kath Lockie
Parish Clerk David Maughan
Public Participation
- On arrival at the Community Centre it was discovered that a burglary had taken place prior to the meeting
- One member of the public had turned up at the meeting
- It was decided that we could not hold the Council meeting in the Community Centre as it was effectively a crime scene
- We therefore relocated to the Leisure Centre
- Cllr Douglas volunteered to stay at the Community Centre until the police arrived and thereafter secure the premises
- The member of the public did not come to the Leisure Centre
87/18 Apologies
- Cllr O’Hare was absent
88/18 Declarations of Interest
- None declared
89/18 Minutes of the previous meeting
- Approved
90/18 Police Report (verbal)
- Not present
91/18 Clerk’s progress report on decisions taken at last meeting.
- Nothing other than what is covered by other agenda items
92/18 Clerk’s report on any urgent decisions taken since last meeting
- No urgent decisions necessary
93/18 Finance
- List circulated
Chq No. | Payee | Description | Amount |
Clare Murphy | Oct Salary | 508.95 | |
Jean Mannering | Oct Salary | 237.51 | |
David Maughan | Oct Salary | 782.45 | |
HMRC | Tax & NI | 133.32 | |
John Williamson | Grass cutting | 465.60 | |
David Maughan | Keys Cut | 21.40 | |
Unipart Dorman | Batteries | 151.20 | |
Royal British Legion | Poppy Wreath | 26.00 | |
Bill Abram | Poppy signs | 75.00 |
- Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly
94/18 Correspondence for Information
- Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
95/18 To discuss request for support for football coaching for local team
- Request received from Kyle O’Hare for support
- Cllr Abram to take forward with Kyle and report back to Council if appropriate
96/18 To consider feedback required by WLBC for Local Plan
- Cllr Lockie had brought with her the Local Plan
- We were advised that there was a meeting about the Local Plan in Halsall scheduled for 15 November 2018
- Cllrs Lockie, Abram, Blane, Hames, and Lennon agreed to attend the meeting
- Feedback to be presented to WLBC in light of outcome of Halsall meeting
97/18 To consider contribution to Douglas Trust in recognition of Defibrillator maintenance undertaken by them on our behalf
- Approved to contribute £150 to Douglas Trust
98/18 To retrospectively confirm trial extension in respect of Post Office representation within the Community Centre
- Clerk advised he had had telephone request about possible extension to test if Mondays would prove beneficial to open Post Office
- Council agreed that this would be beneficial for Community service and agreed accordingly
99/18 To receive a proposition that the Council Policy Documents are ratified as presented for use until 31 December 2019 (previously circulated)
- Ratified accordingly
100/18 To form a Working Committee to discuss formulation of Budget for 2019/20
- Agreed that clerk plus Councillors Lennon, Douglas, and Blane would form necessary committee
101/18 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies
- Corporate Planning
Nothing to report
- Community Centre
- Volunteers available to decorate Community Centre
- To be taken forward
- Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
- Clerk to contact Duncan Ross to obtain update
- Health Issues
- Health Centre to have ‘Public Participation’ meeting in Community Centre
- Agreed that as this was a public service we would not charge them on this occasion
- Health & Safety
- Clerk to check with WLBC in respect of GDPR/CCTV
- Finance
Nothing to report
102/18 Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor
- Local Plan requirements covered elsewhere (see 96/18 above)
103/18 Planning
- Agreed that all matters had been agreed and no action to be taken forward to WLBC in respect of other planning matters
104/18 Date of next meeting
Community Centre
11 December 2018
7.15 pm
- At the end of the Public Meeting, there had been a Part Two Agenda item in respect of the Leisure Centre
- However, given relocation to Leisure Centre it was decided not appropriate to discuss