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Minutes November 2016



Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 8 November 2016  

at the Banks Community Centre,  Hoole Lane.


Commenced 19.15 

                                                                                                            Concluded   22.00            

            Present:           Bill Abram

Dorothy Hames

Steven Douglas

Jim O’Hare

Tom Blane

Chris Lennon


Parish Clerk   David Maughan


Public Participation


  • Six members of the public were in attendance
  • Main concern was removed bus shelter at Hoole Lane
  • Negotiations ongoing with developers
  • Cllr Blane to take forward
  • Will report back at next meeting
  • Greaves Hall representative also present
  • Advised Public Meeting held
  • Access road in dispute as it goes past the school and alternative route has been proposed



85/16   Apologies


  • Cllr Paul Blane had previously tendered his resignation
  • Cllr Barron not present


86/16 Declarations of Interest


  • Cllr Hames in respect of a Planning issue


87/16   Minutes of the previous meeting




88/16   Presentation from Environment Agency


  • Full presentation given
  • Provided map with main areas highlighted
  • Responsible for various matters
  • Covered regulation, treatment of contaminated land, water quality, fishing, inland river estuary and harbour issues, and managing flood risk
  • Covered who maintains water courses
  • Advised list of priorities drawn up then available funding allocated
  • Then answered specific questions previously submitted by councillors including the railway culvert and confirmed that Crossens will remain open for the foreseeable future
  • Advised that specific discharge of effluent into water courses should be advised to the National Incident Hotline on 0800 807060
  • The area customer engagement team can be contacted on


89/16   Police Report (verbal)


  • Not present


90/16   Clerk’s progress report on decisions taken at last meeting.


  • Nothing other than what is covered by agenda items


91/16   Clerk’s report on any urgent decisions taken since last meeting


  • No urgent decisions taken since last meeting


92/16   Finance


Chq No. Payee Description Amount
03671 Clare Murphy Salary 468.00
03672 Jean Mannering Salary 218.40
03673 David Maughan Salary 786.54
03674 HMRC Tax & NI 33.03
03675 Williamson Engineering Grass Cutting 511.20




93/16   Correspondence for Information


Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors


94/16   To consider ‘Funding for Children’


  • To be retained as an  agenda item to be discussed at next meeting


95/16   To discuss ‘Funding for Community Groups’


  • To be retained as an agenda item to be discussed at next meeting


96/16   To discuss position in respect of bus shelter on Hoole Lane


  • Discussed in Public Participation section and to be taken forward by Cllr Blane and clerk with report at next meeting as to progress


97/16   To discuss policy relating to utilisation of CIL monies in 2017/18 and thereafter


  • Agreed to retain as an agenda item for next meeting and form a Working Committee to take forward





98/16   To discuss the decoration of the Community Centre


  • Agreed that this would be completed by the Councillors and agreed that we would place an agenda item for the New year to discuss further


99/16   To consider the position in respect of the possible removal of BT Kiosks in North Meols


  • Noted but as they were rarely used no further action required


100/16 To consider the Council half yearly Budget


  • Copies distributed and position noted


101/16 To consider a request to locate a Recycling Bank in respect of ‘Against Breast Cancer’


  • Concerns raised as to situation when bins were full and items still left in the vicinity and request therefore declined
  • Clerk to advise them accordingly


102/16 To consider that Banks War Memorial has been awarde Lister Building Status


  • Noted but no further action required at the present time


103/16 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies


  1. Police and Community Together (PACT) Panel


Nothing to report.


  1. Corporate Planning


Nothing to report.


  1. Community Centre


Nothing to report


  1. Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)


Nothing to report


  1. Health Issues (Cllr O’Hare)


We were advised that we are still in need of a further doctor


  1. Banks Carnival


Nothing to report


  1. Health & Safety


Nothing to report


  1. Finance


Nothing to report


104//16            Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor and Lancashire County Councillor


  • Cllr Blane advised that he had been let down over the issue of the green bins
  • Also advised that the CCTV in the village were to be lapsed and suggested we approach WLBC to take them over – agenda item to be raised for next meeting to discuss further


105/16 Planning


Weekly Planning List


Date Reference Address
11/10/2016 2016/0916/FUL 1 Ralphs Wifes Lane
18/10/2016 2016/1013/FUL 3 Georges Lane
01/11/2016 2016/1025/FUL 10 The Avenue


Planning Delegated Decisions


Date Reference Address Outcome
18/10/2016 2016/0898/FUL 7 Church Road Granted
18/10/2016 2016/0899/FUL Greenacres, Hundred End Lane Granted
25/10/2016 2016/0939/PNH 31 Hesketh Avenue Prior approval NOT required
08/11/2016 2016/0910/FUL 55 Vicarage Lane Refused


106/16 Date of next meeting


Community Centre

13 December 2016

7.15 pm