Minutes May 2023
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 9th May 2023
At the Hub, Banks
Commenced : 19.15
Concluded: 20.30
Present: Bill Abram Dorothy Hames Sue Lewis John Howard Linda Gresty
Parish Clerk Angela Jenkins
Public Participation
- None
01/23 Prior to the start of the monthly meeting the Annual Meeting was held
Cllr Abram was elected as Chairman
Cllr John Howard was elected as Vice Chairman
Committees and Working Groups were elected as at present
Internal Auditor was confirmed as Town and Parish Audit
Agreement was reached to continue to meet on second Tuesday each month with an annual recess in August
02/23 Apologies
- None
03/23 Declarations of Interest
- None
04/23 Minutes of the previous meeting 14.03.2023
- Accepted
05/23 Police Report
- Clerk to contact Police to attend next meeting
06/23 Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken at last meeting and any urgent decisions
- Clerk handed in notice and to prepare advert for new Clerk
07/23 Finance Accounts for payment May 2023
Chq No. | Payee | Description | Amount |
4378/4379 4386 | Staff | Remuneration | £ 1,637.88 |
4380 | LALC | Membership Fees | £ 627.96 |
4381 | Zurich Municipal | Councils Insurance | £ 1,560.55 |
4382 | John Fewtrell | Grounds Maintenance Playing fields/Church | £ 1,200.00 |
4383 | WLBC | Rates for Hesketh Ave Playing Field | £ 382.48 |
4384 | A Jenkins | Clerks Expenses | £ 459.37 |
4385 | W Abram | Fair Commerce and Amazon for all the Kings Coronation Party favours and extras for children | £ 393.62 |
Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly,
Balance on Current Bank Account £ 44,881.28 – Reserve Account £ 24,240.10
08/23 Correspondence for Information
- Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all Councillors, no requirements.
09/23 Emails Sent to Councillors April/May
- Rights of way planning application, clerk to find out history and on the agenda next meeting
10/23 To Receive update from WLB Councillors
- Cllr Howard is chasing up the levelling up fund in relation to the Hub.
11/23 Update from Kings Coronation May 2023 Celebration
- The party at the Hub was very well attended and went exceptionally well and a great time was had by all.
- Also we had a very kind donation from Southport Land & Property Co Ltd towards the costs for the Coronation Celebrations.
12/23 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies
- Corporate Planning
Cllr Abram finding out costs of Generator and Cherry Picker that are coming up for sale soon, they have been used for events in past.
- Hoole Lane Centre
Gas Boiler needs service to be booked by Clerk
- Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
Proludic say it is on their works programme to come out to the roundabout (still)
Clerk to do letter for Paul Guest regarding rabbits on Playing Field
- Health Issues
- Nothing to Report
- Health & Safety
- Nothing to report
13/23 Weekly Planning Lists
Date | Reference | Address | Response DL |
19.04.23 | 2023/0321/PNH | 12 Station Rd, Banks, determination of prior approval necessary. | 12.05.23 |
03.05.23 | 2023/0289/FUL | Site of Former Greaves Hall Banks Variation to PP | 26.05.23 |
Decisions Determined Under the Delegated System
Date | Reference | Address | Outcome |
16.04.23 | 2022/1013/FUL | 78 Station Road, Banks retrospective | Granted |
All agreed and no action to be taken forward to WLBC in respect of above planning matters
14/23 Co Option of New Councillor
- The Council approved the appointment of Sue Lewis as a co-opted Councillor to serve until the next Parish Elections.
- Cllr Sue Lewis made her Declaration of Acceptance of Office in the presence of the Parish Council.
14/23 Date of Next Meeting
At the Hub Community and Leisure Centre, Greaves Hall Avenue, Banks – Tuesday 13th June 2023 Meeting @ 7.15 pm