Minutes May 2021
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11th May 2021
By Zoom
Commenced : 19.00
Concluded: 20.15
Present: Bill Abram Chris Lennon
Dorothy Hames John Howard
Parish Clerk Angela Jenkins
01/21 Annual Meeting
- Cllr Bill Abram was proposed and seconded as Chairman and elected unanimously
- Cllr John Howard was proposed and seconded as Vice Chairman and elected unanimously
- Committees and Working Groups were decided
- Finance: Cllrs Lennon, Douglas, and Howard
- Health: Cllrs Hames
- Town and Parish Audit was proposed and seconded Internal Auditor
- Councillors agreed to continue to meet on second Tuesday monthly with a recess in August
Public Participation
- None
02.21 Apologies
- Steve Douglas and Lawrence Baxter
03/21 Declarations of Interest
- All Councillors reminded they may need to update Register of Interests
- Councillor Howard re Sugar Stubbs Lane
04/21 Minutes of the previous meeting
- Approved
05/21 Police Report (verbal)
- Not Present
06/21 Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken at last meeting and any urgent decisions
- Nothing other than covered by the agenda items
07/21 FinanceAccounts for payment May 2021
Chq No | Payee | Description | Amount |
4094 -4097 | Staff | Salaries/Remuneration | £ 2116.04 |
4098 | Zurich Municipal Ins | Insurance Community Centre | £ 1301.57 |
4099 | TE Gore & Son | Spray etc. for Watercourse Clear up | £ 161.04 |
Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly
08/21 Correspondence for Information
- Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
09/21 Emails Sent to Councillors April / May discussed
- No requirement for further information
10/21 Cadent Gas Proposal for new Gas Govenor
- Tom Wignall of Wignalls acting behalf of Council in negotiations regarding the Proposal.
11/21 Flood Planning and joining with neighbouring Parishs
- Hesketh Bank and Tarleton Parish Councils in favour of the plan and joining with NMPC. Some farmers and NFU to help with funding. There is no meeting in May and a committee has been established to do a more in depth document regarding the proposal.
12/21 Culvert and Watercourse 16
- Sewerage issues coming up at back of doctors and nursing home. UU have been contacted about the sewerage as yet haven’t contacted Cllr Hames who phoned UU and Environment Agency. There appears to be a problem with the sewer
13/21 Contracts for Works for Parish Council
- List of contractors to be compiled/contract examined
14/21 Dog/Rubbish Bins
- Parish Clerk to contact Council after having talked with Tom Blane and Kath Lockie. At moment 4 required but replacements on playing field required.End of Railway Line, Long Lane, Church Road and others. Clarify at next meeting.
15/21 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies
- Corporate Planning
Nothing to Report
- Community Centre
- Opening 17.05.21
- Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
- Priced Box for field Power £ 3,700 best price from Mr Ohms agreement to purchase.
- A decision needs to be made on flooring for the re-vamped play area
- Clerk to go ahead and apply for funding
- Clerk to watch presentation for CCTV
- Health Issues
- There was some unrest regarding vacinations, but all vacinations now on schedule,
- Health & Safety
- Pat Testing to be arranged at Community Centre.
- Covid products and check legislation/markers/signage Government guidelines
- Finance
- Audit details and AGAR
16/21 Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor
- Nothing to report other than West Lancashire is back in Conservative control
17/21 Planning
Weekly Planning Lists
Date | Reference | Address |
07.04.21 | 2021/0223/FUL | 30 New Lane, Crossens, PR9 8LH. Single Storey Rear Ext. |
15.04.21 | 2021/0496/PNT | Land Adjacent to Roundabout. Telecommunications Operator |
22.04.21 | 2019/1199/FUL | Site of Former Greaves Hall,, 15 Residential Dwellings |
Planning Delegated Decisions
Date | Reference | Address | Outcome |
17.04.21 | 2021/0294/Ful | 87 New Lane Pace, Banks | Granted |
24.04.21 | 2020/0843/FUL | 3 Charnleys Lane, Banks | Granted |
01.05.21 | 2021/0186/FUL | 25 Long Lane, Banks | Granted |
All agreed and no action to be taken forward to WLBC in respect of above planning matters.
- The officers report that Seddons will be completing the lighting down Aveling Drive after the Culvert has been completed.
18/21 Date of next meeting
At Banks Community Centre
Tuesday 8th June 2021 @ 7.00pm
19/21 Part Two
WLBC under separate cover