Minutes May 2020
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held Via Email
12th May 2020
Emailed: Bill Abram Chris Lennon
Steve Douglas Brenda Wright
Dorothy Hames John Howard
Lawrence Baxter
Parish Clerk Angela Jenkins
Public Participation
- Not Applicable
156/19 Apologies
Not Applicable
157/19 Declarations of Interest
- All Councillors reminded they may need to update Register of Interests
158/19 Minutes of the previous meeting
- Approved
159/19 Police Report (verbal)
- Not present Not Applicable
160/19 Clerk’s Report
- Awaiting answer by 30th May re: May Emails Sent
- No nominations for Queens award
- No comments on Scam Update Covid 19
- Duly received Banks footpath information
- Lancashire County Council Rights of way applying for Grant £ 500 had to be applied for by 1st June 2020.
- Required a concensus of opinion on renewal of Parish Insurance with Zurich.
161/19 Finance
Accounts for payment May 2020
Chq No. | Payee | Description | Amount |
3987 | Williamson Engineering | Grounds Maintenance, St Stephens, 2 x Playing fields | £ 242.40 |
3988 | A Jenkins | Wages | £ 844.66 |
3989 | C Murphy | Wages | £ 533.65 |
3990 | J Mannering | Wages | £ 249.03 |
3991 | HMRC | Tax & NI | £ 71.31 |
list circulated
- Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly
- Issue with Nat West Bank resolved
162/19 Correspondence for Information
- Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
163/19 To receive recommendations of projects that benefit the Parish
- Help has been requested in Maintaining St Stephens Graveyard, Cllr Abram will follow up with the Vicar and check how the Parish Council can help
164/19 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies
- Corporate Planning
- Community Centre
- Going to costs for updating existing Computers at Commutiy Centre ongoing
- Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
- New dog waste bin required – 2 at least required Still a problem with dog faeces on field
- Try some Dummy Cameras to stop vandalism and dog faeces. Ongoing
- Health Issues
- Nothing to Report
- Health & Safety
- Nothing to Report
- Finance
- Nothing to report
165/19 Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor
Nothing to report
166/19 Planning
Weekly Planning Lists
Date | Reference | Address |
28.04.20 | 2020/0342/FUL | 30 Church Road Banks Create off road parking and driveway and dropped kerb |
01.05.20 | 2020/0318/FUL | Foxwood Stables, Long Lane, Banks,PR9 8EX
Erection of 2 wooden stables on a concrete hardstanding (Retrospective) |
- Issue raised by Councillors re 2020/0342/FUL and letter forwarded from Parish Council.
- Letter Sent to Planning re Banks Nursing Home Change of use 2020/0262/FUL from Parish Council
167/19 Date of next meeting
Community Centre
Tuesday 9th June 2020 7.15 pm
(Now Cancelled due to Coronavirus, will go forward with meeting by email any issues please forward to Parish Clerk)
Part Two
168/19 Leisure Centre
- Moving Forward but now on hold