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Minutes May 2016


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 10 May 2016
at the Banks Community Centre, Hoole Lane.

Commenced 19.00
Concluded 21.00
Present: Cllrs Bill Abram
Chris Lennon
Tom Blane
Dorothy Hames
Stephen Douglas
Malcolm Barron

Parish Clerk David Maughan

Public Participation
• None present

Prior to the start of the monthly Parish meeting, the Annual Meeting was held

Cllr Abram was elected as Chairman
Cllr Tom Blane was elected as Vice Chairman
Committees and Working Groups were elected as at present
Internal Auditor was confirmed as Ian Cropper
Agreement was reached to continue to meet on second Tuesday each month with an annual recess in August

1/16 Apologies

• Cllrs Jim O’Hare (sick) and Paul Blane (work) were absent

2/16 Declarations of Interest

• None

3/16 Minutes of the previous meeting


4/16 Police Report (verbal)

• Not present

5/16 Clerk’s progress report on decisions taken at last meeting.

• Nothing other than what is covered in Agenda

6/16 Clerk’s report on any urgent decisions taken since last meeting

7/16 Finance

Chq No. Payee Description Amount
003562 Clare Murphy Salary 481.00
003563 Jean Mannering Salary 233.57
003564 David Maughan Salary 803.37
003565 HMRC Tax & NI 19.28
DD British Gas Community Centre Gas 275.33