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Minutes March 2021


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 9th March  2021

By Zoom

Commenced :  18.45

Concluded:   20.20

            Present:           Bill Abram                               Chris Lennon               Lawrence Baxter                     

Dorothy Hames                                   John Howard              

            Parish Clerk   Angela Jenkins

Public Participation (6.45 pm)

  • None

123/20 Apologies

  • Steve Douglas

124/20  Declarations of Interest

  • All Councillors reminded they may need to update Register of Interests
  • Councillor Howard re Sugar Stubbs Lane

125/20 Minutes of the previous meeting 9th February 2021

  • Approved

126/20 Police Report (verbal)

  • None (Clerk to contact PC Steve for future meeting)

127/20 Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken at last meeting and any urgent decisions

  • A cheque in the sum of £ 2.100 was authorised to Cockshot Peck Lewis and will be repaid by WLBC through the Leisure Centre.

128/20 FinanceAccounts for payment March 2021

Chq NoPayeeDescriptionAmount
4076Cockshott Peck LewisAgreed Loan to CIC for Fees£   2,100.00
4077DWS TechnologyUpgrade installation intruder alarm CC£      450.00
4078LALCAnnual Membership fee£      620.90
4079SLCCMembership Fee Annual£      166.00
4080-83/85StaffSalaries/Remuneration£    2,485.75
4084JJ & B ProjectsRepairs to Boiler Room Door Community Centre£      165.00
4086JG & JR MetcalfeHedge cutting Guinea Hall Lane & ditch Mowing£      360.00

Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly

129/20 Discuss Flood Plan and Joining with Neighbouring Parishes

  • Meeting organised via ZoomThursday 18th February invited Amy Hargreaves and Tom Wignall attended, was very positive, all agreeing way forward, further meeting 18th March 2021..

130/20 Correspondence for Information

  • Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors

131/20 To receive recommendations of projects that benefit the Parish

  • Need information of where to make cheque payable for bench in village

132/20 Emails Sent to Councillors January/ February discussed

  • All dealt with
  • They request to have a book club with charity donations was felt to be difficult having money on the premises, so refused. Books still available for free.

133/20 Cadent Gas Proposal for new Gas Govenor

  • After the presentation there were concerns and a meeting was arranged on site with Councillors to further discuss and present alternatives. Meeting to took place 18th February at the Hesketh Avenue Playing Fields. They have put proposals forward they are being considered also Tom Wignall of Wignalls Surveyors is to do a valuation on the  field and look at the Cadent Proposal. Was agreed in general that the recompense for the building was not enough and looking to expand our requirements.

134/20  To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies

  1. Corporate Planning
  • Mowers and strimmer to go in for servicing and there will be a cost at next meeting.
  • Community Centre    
  • As yet no opening date for the Community Centre
  • Alarm system has been replaced
  • Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
  • A Meeting with Playdale on 8th March, Cllrs Lennon and Howard and Clerk met with Paul Battye.  It was a very useful meeting with some interesting options, and equipment meeting again April to see his suggestions. Also waiting for some quotes and going to speak with other providers.

Going pursue a time frame for electricity cabinet and Cameras and research the area that would be affected by  cameras and lighting (in future contact neighbours to inform as to area covered).

  • Health Issues
  • There have been 3 Oxford vaccination clinics at Banks and well received.
  • Health & Safety
  • Pat Testing to be arranged at Community Centre.
  • Finance

135/20 Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor

  • The Drain at Long Lane has been inspected.
  • The Bin has been replaced outside Fleetwood Drive.
  • Aveling Drive lights not on , the lighting phase is being held back at the moment as waiting for  WLDC to cut off the road. Seddons have the permit and will put new lights in existing lighting and put in timers as well as new lighting when able.
  • Hoole Lane is separating on the crown, relevant bodies have been notified  will be followed up.
  • The Aveling Drive new culvert , Seddons have been given permission to change position and the old culvert will stay in place.  When they install new culvert they will jet the old culvert.

136/20 Planning

Weekly Planning Lists


Planning Delegated Decisions

23.02.212020/0980/LDCMoss Side Farm, New Lane, CrossensCert of Lawfulness (existing) Granted
23.02.212020/1097/FUL79 New Lane Pace, BanksGranted
23.02.212020/1168/FUL38A Long Lane, BanksRefused
27.02.212020/1035/FULOtterbrook, Moss LnBanksGranted
27.02.21T2021/0021/TP6 Westerdale Drive,BanksGranted subject to conditions

Decisions of the Planning Committee

11.02.212019/1200/FULFormer Greaves Hall HospitalApproved with conditions

137/20 Culvert and Watercourse 16

  • A garage has been built over the culvert at Bonds Lane. EA enforcement have spoken to the resident and the overflow pipe is now clear
  • EA have spoken to Arden College, they are going to clear the overflow ditch and put up a fence to the rear of the college, plan agreed with EA.
  • EA have had a jetting team on site for 2 weeks and the whole culvert from Bonds Lane to Vicarage Farm has been cleared, it was 80% blocked.
  • Volunteers have agreed to clear the the rest of the overflow ditch, from the medical centre to St Stephens close.
  • Cllrs Abram and Hames are meeting with Arden college.
  • The PC plan to letter residents by the culvert to make their responsibilities clear.

138/20 Date of next meeting    

Via Zoom

Tuesday 13th April 2021     @     7.00 pm

Part Two

Under separate cover

Leisure Centre

  • There are meetings Mondays and Thursdays
  • It has been decided to rebrand the Centre as The Hub
  • Endeavour Learning will be running the booking systems and they are nearly ready to go live
  • At the moment it is all in the hands of Solicitors waiting for Contracts and making sure that the delapidations clause is very limited
  • The Tupe procedure is very protracted
  • There may be a grant available for the leisure centre
  • Probably wont open until adults can go back inside at the moment 17th May (Still to be decided)
  • Not able to put play area at the front of the building NHS wont allow
  • Looking to put entrance at front of building where go into the bar area
  • Paul Blane has kindly agreed to do First Aid training for volunteers
  • Should be getting some 3 G pitch prices next week
  • Employing and Accountant for the Hub
  • WLBC grant is for 2 years

Guidance Re Traveller  sites

  • TB put forward at the Council Meeting that we don’t have enough Enforcement officers and has phoned Ian Gill 3 times for an update
  • The Enforcement Officers clause is they can consider what is illegal
  • The PC needs to assess what is illegal being done at sites
  • Several points raised and a further meeting Thursday 11th Cllrs Abram and Hames and Parish Clerk as to how to proceed with complaint to WLBC ie who to contact and tone of letters.