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Minutes March 2018


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13 March 2018
At the Banks Community Centre, Hoole Lane.

Commenced 19.15
Concluded 20.30
Present: Bill Abram
Chris Lennon
Steven Douglas
Tom Blane
Harry Pendlebury
Malcolm Barron
Dorothy Hames

Parish Clerk David Maughan

Public Participation

• Mrs Sue Barker is trying to organise a weekly coffee morning with the aim to reach out to local residents who are feeling isolated and lonely
• She would like to utilise the Community Centre
• Suggested Thursday mornings would suit best and is to take matters forward accordingly, liaising with Clerk as appropriate
• Cllt Blane offered to support initially with £150 contribution from his business as generally considered by all to be worthy village amenity
• Mal Procter was next to address the Council
• Given the nature of his proposal, Cllr Blane excused himself to avoid conflict of interest
• Mr Procter advised that his proposal for a Coffee Lounge and/or Micropub at 4 Hoole Lane had been rejected by WLBC and he was requesting that the Parish Council supported him in his appeal
• Agreed that Clerk would send letter to West Lancs giving our support to the proposition which again was considered useful village amenity

151/17 Apologies

• Cllr O’Hare was absent through illness

152/17 Declarations of Interest

• None

153/17 Minutes of the previous meeting

• Approved

154/17 Police Report (verbal)

• Not present

155/17 Clerk’s progress report on decisions taken at last meeting.

• Nothing to report

156/17 Clerk’s report on any urgent decisions taken since last meeting

• Nothing to report

157/17 Finance

Chq No. Payee Description Amount
Clare Murphy Salary 487.50
Jean Mannering Salary 227.50
David Maughan Salary 753.53
HMRC Tax & NI 115.07
St Stephens Donation 150.00
SLCC Membership 138.00
Alliance Fire Protection Annual Service Charge 33.60

158/17 Correspondence for Information

Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors

159/17 To receive an update in respect of the works at Hesketh Avenue

• Drainage works almost complete
• Fencing works to commence before the end of the month

160/17 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies

a) Police and Community Together (PACT) Panel

Nothing to report

b) Corporate Planning

Nothing to report

c) Community Centre

Nothing to report

d) Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)

Nothing to report

e) Health Issues

We were advised that there is now a dedicated telephone line for prescriptions

f) Banks Carnival

Nothing to report

g) Health & Safety

Nothing to report

h) Finance

Nothing to report

161/17 Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor

• Update in respect of caravans have now progressed to the European Court of Human Rights
• Soil on road from local farms is becoming an issue and whilst this is considered to be a police matter clerk is to write to those involved requesting that they either refain of clean up after – Cllr Abram to supply clerk with names and addresses
• Fence reported at 2M high on footpath, Cllr Blane to take forward
• Car parking in Ormskirk to be charged at £1
• Change in arrangements for green/blue/brown bins progressing for implementation shortly
• Letter from local MP Seema Kennedy that Hoole Lane has been included in the Highways Capital Programme and is to be resurfaced in 2018/19

162/17 Updates from Lancashire County Councillor

• There has been a ‘war of words’ about the state of roads in Lancashire, including advice as to a new way of undertaking road repairs
• More machines have been purchased to assist

163/17 Planning

Weekly Planning Lists

Date Reference Address
13/02/2018 2017/1341/FUL 12 Long Lane

Planning Delegated Decisions

Date Reference Address Outcome
10/02/2018 2017/1153/FUL Dandys Barn Refused
24/02/2018 2017/1225/FUL 49 New Lane Granted

164/17 Update in respect of Leisure Centre

• There was a Part Two agenda item (press and public excluded)
• However, Mark Forster from WLSP was not in attendance so this will be held over until next meeting unless we call another meeting meantime

165/17 Date of next meeting

Community Centre
10 April 2018
7.15 pm