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Minutes June 2022


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 14th June 2022

At the Hub, Banks

Commenced :  19.15

Concluded:   21.15

Present: Bill Abram John Howard   Dorothy Hames

Chris Lennon Linda Gresty

Parish Clerk Angela Jenkins

19/22 Public Participation

There were several members of the public present who wished to discuss the amount of speeding on Banks Road. It was thoroughly discussed and our local Police representatives stressed that everyone needs to complain to Lancashire Road Safety Partnership each time it happens as this will form a pattern that the Authorities can then act upon. It was agreed that the Parish Council will look into funding a speed camera for this stretch of road and look into the best position for it. Parish Clerk to check information and report at next meeting. Hoping to site a permanent SPid.

Also raised that the hedges down Ralphs Wifes Lane are through onto the pavement, pointed out that they can be cut after 16th September due to nesting birds.

20/22 Apologies 

  • Cllr Lawrence Baxter, Steven Douglas

21/22    Declarations of Interest

  • none

22/22 Minutes of the previous meeting 10.05.22

  • Approved 

23/22 Police Report 

  • Neil Cronshaw and Tracey McKenna attended and gave a report on the village and it was agreed that the CCTV on the playing field when in action will be of benefit with some of the anti social behaviour.  The Officers were also a lot of help with information for the Public Participation answering questions.

24/22 Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken at last meeting and any urgent decisions 

  • None

FinanceAccounts for payment June 2022

Chq No.PayeeDescriptionAmount
4261Blackpool BounceBouncy Castles x 3 (for Carnival)£   960.00
4262/63/72StaffRemuneration£ 1,513.30
4264Cancelled Chq

4265Angela JenkinsPortable Toilet Co Ltd (Carnival) Paid by  A Jenkins£   531.60
4266W AbramEnigma Signs for Carnival Paid by W Abram£   552.00
4267John Fewtrell5 x Groundworks Field and Church£  2856.00
4268Town & Parish AuditYear end internal audit£   205.00
4269A JenkinsBritish Gas electrical connection Hesketh Ave paid by A Jenkins£   120.56
4270C LennonToilets on the go (disabled toilets for Carnival) paid by C Lennon£   126.00
4271W AbramJohnson Plant Hire, digger for CCTV trench paid by W Abram£   129.12
4273JJ & B ProjectsWork at 44 Hoole Lane£   215.00
4274 Cancelled Chq

Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly

  • Balance on Current Bank Account £ 47,770.65 – Reserve Accounts £ 33,229.78

25/22 To receive a proposition that Year-End Budget Out-Turn report is received and noted

  • Agreed accordingkly

26/22 To receive a proposition the ‘Annual Governance Statement 2021/2022 is ratified and that the Chairman and Clerk are authorised to sign denoting approval

  • Agreed accordingly

27/22 To receive a proposition the ‘Accounting Statement 2021/2022 is ratified and that the Chairman and Clerk are authorised to sign denoting approval

  • Agreed accordingly

28/22 To receive and note the Internal Auditors Report 

  • Agreed accordingly

29/22 To receive a proposition that the Annual Accounts of the Council are received, accepted and noted as presented

  • Agreed accordingly

30/22 Correspondence for Information 

  • Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors

31/22 Emails Sent to Councillors May/June

  • No actions required

32/22 To Receive update from WLB Councillors

  • There had been a lot of complaints regarding peacocks
  • Parishioners are complaining about problems around the village on facebook when they need to put there complaints to the Police, more will be achieved with that.

33/22 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies

  1. Corporate Planning
  1. Hoole Lane Centre Centre
  • Clerk to arrange contracts for Post Office and Food Bank.
  1. Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park) 
  • Electric Meter to be fitted on 19th July
  • CCTV should be fitted by 22nd July, John  Johnson has key for Electricity Box 
  • Carnival finishes at 5 pm still require Volunteers and litter pickers
  • A gate is needed at the end of the double fencing at the Fleetwood Drive entrance.
  • J Fewtrell damaged new mower blades due to stones left by Cadent
  1. Health Issues
  • Receptionist Cheryl has left Health Centre and been replaced by two new receptionists.
  • Hoping to hold a PPG meeting in the next month.
  1. Health & Safety
  • The fence by the Medical Centre has been repaired.
  1. Finance
  • Nothing to report

34/22 Planning

Weekly Planning Lists

DateReferenceAddressResponse DL
10.05.222022/0543/PNPJA Jones & Sons, Gravel lane, application for determination

Planning Delegated Decisions 


08.05.222022/0113/FULCrossing Cottage, 13 Square House LnGranted
08.05.222022/0194/FULSquare Hse Farm, 21 Square House LnRefused
22.05.222021/1133/FULMelrow Salads, Rydings LaneGranted
22.05.222021/1505/FUL24 Chapel Ln, BanksGranted

All agreed and no action to be taken forward to WLBC in respect of above planning matters 

35/22 Planning

  • Todds Lane application has been objected to with Planning Officer

36/22 Prospective Youth Club Proposal

  • There will be a stand at the Carnival promoting the prospect of new Youth Club to ascertain what activities may be appreciated.

37/22 Date of Next Meeting

At the Hub Community and Leisure Centre, Greaves Hall Avenue, Banks

Tuesday 13th July 2022 Meeting  @     7.15 pm