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Minutes June 2014



Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 10 June 2014

at the Banks Community Centre, Hoole Lane.


Commenced 19.15

                                                                                                          Concluded 22.45            

            Present:           Cllrs. John Baldock (Acting Chair)

Bill Abram

Paul Blane

Chris Lennon

James O’Hare

Dorothy Hames

Steven Douglas

Parish Clerk   David Maughan


            In attendance  12 members of the public

Public Participation


We were advised that United Utilities were conducting an ecological survey on farms on Marsh Road apparently with the power to go on the land in question. Clerk to liaise with United Utilities although noted they are due to be in attendance at July meeting


We were advised that the first footpath application had been approved with the remaining five to be heard next month


Bins in the village were not being emptied but apparently this was due to driving time expiry and backlog should be caught up imminently


Evidently, there are dead trees on the playing field but these will be dealt with as a matter of course when the others are attended to


22/14 Apologies




23/14 Declarations of Interest


Paul Blane in respect of Agenda items for Planning and Barchester and John Baldock in respect of car park (as it adjoins his property)


24/14 Minutes of the previous meeting


None other than Annual Meeting items should be on their own Minutes.


25/14 Recognition of work of outgoing Borough Councillor John Baldock


Paul Blane gave brief commentary on outstanding contribution to the local community by virtue of 16 years as a Borough Councillor for North Meols. Endorsed also by Cllr Abram, O’Hare, and Hames. Presented with memento and Cllr Baldock gave his thanks for comments and memento



26/14   To confirm County and Borough Cllr Malcolm Barron as incoming Parish Councillor


  • Cllr Barron happy to accept position as Parish Councillor. However, qualification subject to him residing within 3 miles of North Meols and clerk to check accordingly


27/14   To hear from representatives from CAB in respect of their request to have presence in Community Centre


  • Presentation given to Council in respect of what would be required to be delivered by our member of staff if agreement reached for CAB utilisation of community centre.
  • The representatives were then questioned as to how much time they anticipated would be needed from Dawn Cannon (uncertain but not expected to be onerous) and costs involved and contribution from them in respect of those costs.
  • They advised that unknown what usage would be made, although councillors did advise that citizens from Tarleton, Hesketh Bank, Burscough, Rufford and Mere Brow would all more likely go to Banks Community Centre CAB outlet rather than Skelmersdale.
  • Therefore, likely that paper and ink costs could be incurred on behalf of the other local parishes from our budgets.
  • Agreed that this would be an agenda item for July for greater in depth discussion


28/14   To hear from representatives from Barchester


Two representatives from Barchester addressed the meeting. They advised that they were anticipating serving 70 people in 4 communities, getting the keys scheduled for 11 August and accepting the first resident on the 20 August. Start recruiting mid-July with about 100 staff to be taken on


Conveyed to the Barchester staff that the villagers had been upset about the naming of the nursing home and the naming of the suite in the school, and vouchers and cash etc., and they apologised and advised that this had been due to a misunderstanding through them not being familiar with the area. Little they could do but would try harder in the future


29/14   Police Report (verbal)


Not present


30/14   Clerk’s progress report on decisions taken at last meeting.


  • Contacted United Utilities for them to attend future meeting and likely to be before July meeting
  • Written to Dave Westley re £10k for car park (see Agenda item below)
  • Contacted WLBC to ascertain criteria to improve park facilities (see Agenda item below)
  • Liaising with Steven Douglas in respect of Website
  • Renewed insurance with Zurich over three year fixed rate plan
  • Progressing Internal Audit with Ian Cropper
  • Contacted Spid supplier to ask how much to re-site, could they adjust sensitivity, and how much a smaller one would be (see Agenda item below)
  • Renewed Electricity contracts



31/14   Clerk’s report on any urgent decisions taken since last meeting


  • None


32/14   Finance


Accounts for payment:-

Chq No. Payee Description Amount
  Dawn Cannon Salary 455.00
  Jean Mannering Salary 187.76
  David Maughan Salary 690.45
  HMRC Tax & NI 9.55
  Williamson Engineering Grass cutting 616.80
  Jean Mannering Broom and padlocks 14.54
  Zurich Insurance 1039.29
  David Maughan Computer ink 118.00
003421 Top Trophies Trophy 34.99
DD British Gas Hoole Lane 109.21
DD E On Electric Aveling Drive 7.72
  Henry Alty Pipework 137.46
003311 R Prescott Marquee 700.00
003312 Portable Conveniences Toilets 132.00
003313 Johnsons Skip 175.00
003314 It’s a Knockout Carnival  

33/14   Correspondence for Information


It was noted that the following items of correspondence, for information purposes, had been received since the May meeting (* denotes received by e-mail) and were available for Members to view:-


14 May 2014   Fitness Equipment Special Offers*

14 May 2014   WLBC Housing Newsletter*

14 May 2014   Public Sector Executive Online Invite*

15 May 2014   NFWL – Chapel Gallery half term activities*

15 May 2014   NFWLK – Health Network Update 12 May 2014*

15 May 2014   NFWL – West Lancashire Open Exhibition*

15 May 2014   Mayoral Engagements 19 May*

16 May 2014   Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984*

16 May 2014   Junes Bus Service changes leaflet*

16 May 2014   Briefing note for Arriva North West*

19 May 2014   Appeal Decisions Executed 19 May 2014*

19 May 2014   Cuadrilla Press Release*

19 May 2014   Junes Bus Service changes*

19 May 2014   Millions missed of voters lists*

20 May 2014   Planning Delegated Decisions (N/M 1)*

20 May 2014   Weekly Planning List (N/M nil)*

20 May 2014   TTRO Taylors Meanygate*

20 May 2014   York Regional Conference SLCC*

21 May 2014   Weekly Housing Newsletter*

21 May 2014   West Lancs Challenge CVS*

21 May 2014   Banks Roundabout signs*

22 May 2014   Dong Energy Community Benefits Fund*

22 May 2014   SLCC AGM*

23 May 2014   High Court Challenge to neighbourhood plan fails*

23 May 2014   NFWL – June events in West Lancs parks*

23 May 2014   West Lancs Now*

27 May 2014   Weekly Planning List (N/M 1)*

27 May 2014   Households in Council Tax arrears increasing*

27 May 2014   Health & Wellbeing Newsletter*

27 May 2014   Planning Delegated Decisions (N/M 1)*

28 May 2014   Weekly Property Newsletter*

29 May 2014   Planning Amendment (forwarded under separate cover)*

29 May 2014   LCC re Bus shelter*

29 May 2014   NFWL – WLBC Political Management*

29 May 2014   Dispute over National Park Ag building conversion rights*

29 May 2014   News Bulletin SLCC*

29 May 2014   Cuadrilla statement*

30 May 2014   NFWL – Mayoral engagements*

02 Jun 2014     Rain Stopped Play (Playground Equipment)*

02 Jun 2014     Neighbourhood Planning*

02 Jun 2014     Forward Plan Cabinet 01 July 2014*

02 Jun 2014     NFWL – What’s Important to You?*

03 Jun 2014     Weekly Planning List*

03 Jun 2014     Council Papers On Line*

03 Jun 2014     Planning Delegated Decisions (N/M nil)*

04 Jun 2014     Planning Committee Members Update*

04 Jun 2014     Property Newsletter*

05 Jun 2014     NFWL – Food Safety Week 16-22 June*

05 Jun 2014     Changes to Planning announced in Queens Speech*

06 Jun 2014     NFWL – Mayoral engagements*

06 Jun 2014     West Lancs Now*

06 Jun 2014     Consumer Alerts*

06 Jun 2014     Cuadrilla statement*

06 Jun 2014     NFWL – Get Online event*

09 Jun 2014     NFWL – Enjoy kite flying weekend*

09 Jun 2014     Appeal decisions executed n9 Jun (N/M nil)*

10 Jun 2014     Planning Delegated Decisions (N/M 2)*

10 Jun 2014     Weekly Planning List (N/M 2)*


34/14   To discuss how to utilise S 106 monies


  • Agreed that this was to be an ongoing agenda item pending progress
  • WLBC advise could be utilised for drainage scheme
  • Clerk to contact WLBC to enquire about vertical draining


35/14   To discuss developments in respect of Spid


  • Information received from Unipart in respect of replacement Spid and re-siting of existing Spid
  • Suggested that Councillors have site meeting to discuss various options
  • Arranged for 17 June at 7.00 pm




36/14   To consider and discuss car park at St Stephens


  • WLBC had promised £10k towards cost and clerk had written to Dave Westley requesting that this be expedited
  • Held up pending completion of local elections but now to be taken forward again


37/14   To discuss Planning application for Chapel Lane


  • Understood there had been a Planning application amendment       to change the layout of the houses
  • Drainage was also a concern
  • It was considered that apparently United Utilities and the Environment Agency were pleased about the new drainage proposals but concern expressed as to whether this constituted a change of Planning
  • Arranged that Cllr Paul Blane and local resident Bill Baxter to have a meeting with Trevor Dunn and Rob Hitchcock (both WLBC)
  • Clerk to write to WLBC expressing ‘concern’ that drainage seems to have been approved on Chapel Lane without enough investigation


38/14   To discuss procedure for obtaining quotes for necessary jobs


  • This item was raised to discuss events following recent completion of Community Centre car park
  • Three quotes were obtained but queried whether all quotes were for exactly the same specification
  • Agreed that in the future, when quotes were requested, then an exact specification should be provided to avoid any ambiguity


39/14   To discuss the cessation of bus service 47


  • Arriva had not altered their stance on amendment to this service
  • LCC advised they could do little to assist in this matter
  • Whilst it was considered unlikely that Stagecoach would be willing to take over this route it was agreed that Cllr Barron would provide details to clerk who would then write to Stagecoach to seek their agreement to do so


40/14   Councillors reports and items for future agenda


  • The ‘20’ speed limits and speed limit for Long Lane were mentioned and rather than an agenda item for future meeting Cllr Barron agreed to take this up with LCC


41/14   To receive any reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups/outside bodies


a)      Police and Community Together (PACT) Panel


Latest PACT information circulated


b)      Corporate Planning


Nothing to report


c)      Community Centre


Nothing to report


d)      Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)


Nothing to report other than possible bench movement but no action for the time being


e)      Inspection Reports


Nothing to report


f)       Health Issues (Cllr O’Hare)


Nothing to report


g)      Banks Carnival


It did rain on the day but still did well – summary to be given at next meeting with many people to thank for their efforts


h)      Health & Safety


Nothing to report


i)        Finance


Nothing to report


42/14   Update from West Lancashire Borough Councillor


  • Nothing to report


43/14   Planning


Weekly Planning Lists



Date Reference Address
27/05/2014 2014/0199/FUL Fairholme, Marsh Road
10/06/2014 2014/0481/ADV The Close, Greaves Hall Avenue
10/06/2014 2014/0549/ADV Cleveland House, Greaves Hall Avenue


Planning Delegated Decisions



Date Reference Address Outcome
20 May 2014 LCC/2014/0047 Marsh Road No objections
27/05/2014 2014/0260/FUL Wilmar, Marsh Rd Granted
10/06/2014 2014/0147/FUL 8 Chapel Lane Granted
10/06/2014 2014/0331/FUL 3 Georges Lane Granted


No further action other than clerk to telephone in respect of two applications:


  • 2014/0199/FUL in respect of is it permanent or temporary?
  • 2014/0147/FUL in respect of has ‘stop’ notice been issued?
  • 44/14   Date of next meeting


Community Centre 8 July 2014 at 7.15 pm.



Part Two


45/14   Clerks Pay



Question in respect of increase in clerks’ salary was discussed. SLCC rate for grade had increased with effect from 01 April 2013 although this automatically going up had been questioned by councillor. Guidance had been sought from SLCC who had advised that unless clerk had been paid at the quoted rate (which he hadn’t) then the council were contractually committed to increasing the salary.


After discussion by councillors, clerk returned to the room and was advised that the council would honour their contractual obligation and increase salary to required figure, and would also honour contract should any increase be agreed for this year with effect from 01 April 2014. However, they would not automatically increase next year in line with SLCC guideline; instead any increase would be discussed by council and ratified thereafter