Minutes July 2021
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13th July 2021
At the Community Centre, Banks
Commenced : 19.00
Concluded: 20.30
Present: Bill Abram Chris Lennon Steve Douglas
Dorothy Hames John Howard Lawrence Baxter
Cllr Tom Blane
Parish Clerk Angela Jenkins
44/21 Prior to meeting
- Cllr Tom Blane co-opted onto to Parish Council unanimous decision
45/21 Public Participation
- None
46/21 Apologies
47/21 Declarations of Interest
- Councillor Howard re Sugar Stubbs Lane
48/21 Minutes of the previous meeting
- Approved
49/21 Police Report (verbal)
- Not Present, Clerk to approach PC Steve to attend or give update next meeting
50/21 Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken at last meeting and any urgent decisions
- Nothing other than covered by the agenda items
51/21 FinanceAccounts for payment July 2021
Chq No | Payee | Description | Amount |
4108 | Mr Ohms Ltd | Electricity Box for Hesketh Playing Field | £ 4,150.34 |
4109 -4112 | Staff | Salaries/Remuneration | £ 2080.04 |
4113 | LALC | Parish & Town Training Lancs Effective Meetings | £ 50.00 |
4114 | Red Blade Mowers Paid by B Abram by CC | New Strimmer and New Mower | £ 1,206.31 |
4115 | Williamson Engineering | Grass Cutting June | £ 483.60 |
4116 | AJ Viking Order | Stationery | £ 79.41 |
Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly
52/21 Correspondence for Information
- Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
53/21 Emails Sent to Councillors June/July discussed
- No requirement for further information
54/21 Cadent Gas Proposal for new Gas Govenor
- Waiting for update from Agent
55/21 Flood Planning and joining with neighbouring Parishes
- The group to meet in August to get a presentation together, Amy and Ron met with MP and trying to work together for suitable plan.
56/21 Culvert and Watercourse 16
- Ongoing with Environment Agency, Cllr Hames to chase. The College have not done the work as yet promised.
57/21 Damaged Gas Pipeline Watercourse Crossing
- Work Completed
58/21 Contracts for works for Parish Council to be reviewed
- Previous Contracts to be re-examined
59/21 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies
- Corporate Planning
Nothing to Report
- Community Centre
- Now re-opened to public
- Post Office still in operation, we have had a copuple of complaints that board has not been out side advertising open, will be looked into.
- Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
- Clerk to go ahead and place order to new play equipment and refurbishment
- Zoom meeting to be arranged with Cadent Gas when they are to commence work to the field
- Health Issues
Nothing to report
- Health & Safety
- Pat Testing to be arranged at Community Centre.
- Covid products and check legislation/markers/signage Government guidelines
- Finance
Nothing to Report
60/21 Receive Update from WLB Councillor
- Cllr Blane informed there have been major changes at WLBC since the recent elections and will update the Parish Council when everything is settled.
- Discussed bushes overgrown at Gravel Lane junction , planted by WLBC Cllr Blane will take forwards.
- The pipes will be fitted down Aveling Drive and then lights
61/21 Leisure Centre , The Hub
- The Leisure Centre is now operational and will be opening from Monday 16th July and its local name will the Hub. The gym will open in the next few months.
62/21 Planning
Weekly Planning Lists
Date | Reference | Address |
02.07.21 | 2021/0797/FUL | The New Fleetwood, 1 Hoole Lane, Banks/ Proposed external plant equipment in enclosed yard area. |
Planning Delegated Decisions
Date | Reference | Address | Outcome |
05.06.21 | 2021/0480/LDP | 76 Banks Rd, Banks,PR9 8JL | LDP Refused/Granted (Split) |
05.06.21 | 2021/0496/PNT | Land Adjacent to Roundabout | Prior Notif-Telecom-Details Approved |
10.07.21 | 2021/0129/LDP | Brooklands, 8 Gravel Lane, Siting of Caravan within curtilage of dwelling house | Certificate of Lawfulness Permitted |
10.07.21 | 2021/0223/FUL | 30 New Lane, Crossens Part 2 storey/single storey rear extension | Granted |
All agreed and no action to be taken forward to WLBC in respect of above planning matters.
63/21 Date of next meeting
At Banks Community Centre
Tuesday 14th September 2021 @ 7.00pm