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Minutes July 2020



Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 14th July 2020

At Leisure Centre, Banks

Commenced :  19.15

Concluded:   20.25



            Present:           Bill Abram                               Chris Lennon

Steve Douglas                          Brenda Wright

Dorothy Hames                                   John Howard


Parish Clerk   Angela Jenkins


Public Participation

  • None


14/20   Apologies

  • Cllr Baxter due to family commitment


15/20   Declarations of Interest

  • All Councillors reminded they may need to update Register of Interests


16/20   Minutes of the previous meeting

  • Approved


17/20   Police Report (verbal)

  • Not present
  • Cllr Abram did wish to point that there is a new policeman PC Steve who is taking a proactive roll in the village and aware of problems faced, and interactive with residents and businesses.


18/20   Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken

  • North Meols archers have the approval of the PC to use the building on Aveling Drive field to store equipment.. Parish Clerk will arrange with them for keys.
  • All agreed for Parish Clerk to apply for online banking for the Parish Accounts.
  • Help was requested in Maintaining St Stephens Graveyard, Cllr Abram followed up plans to help with works in graveyard with volunteers, a lot of work has been now done with lots of help from volunteers and Councillors. Still ongoing
  • The Parish Council donated £200 to the Covid Support Group in Banks Village £ 149.00 has been returned to PC we will keep a Cash Float in case of any further needs in the Community.


19/20   FinanceAccounts for payment July 2020


Chq No. Payee Description Amount
4003 Angela Jenkins Salary £  844.66
4004 Clare Murphy Salary £  533.65
4005 Jean Mannering Salary £  249.03
4006 HMRC Tax and NI £    71.31
4007 J A Williamson Grass Cutting June – 4 x St Stephens Church Yard, 2 x Aveling Drive and Hesketh Avenue Playing Fields £  576.00
4008 Companies House Registering LC Replacing Chq No:3979

(Which was returned).

£   35.00
4009 Altys Bulk Bags to remove rubbish from graveyard £   48.00
  List circulated    
  • Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly



20/20   Year End Accounts

  • Year End Accounts 2019/2020 presented, approved and signed.



21/20   Correspondence for Information


  • Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
  • Emails sent June/July all duly noted and no further action taken


22/20   To receive recommendations of projects that benefit the Parish

  • Requested help with Ton Bags to remove rubble may require up to  £200.00  would appreciate help, agreed by Councillors, if and when necessary
  • A request had been made for a commemorative bench in the village and it was agreed the Parish Council will donate £ 100.00 towards the coast.
  • Car Park sign necessary.
  • Going forward on next agenda bus shelters and Christmas lights


23/20     To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies

  1. Corporate Planning


  1. Community Centre
  • As yet no opening date for the Community Centre


  1. Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)

Fencing needs repairing Angela to approach Duncan Ross who fitted the fencing.

September Audit of Playground going ahead.


  1. Health Issues


  • Nothing to Report


  1. Health & Safety
  • Nothing to Report


  1. Finance
  • Nothing to report


24/20   Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor


  • Angela to contact Cllr Lockie to come to future meetings.


25/20   Planning


Weekly Planning Lists


Date Reference Address
24.05.2020 2020/04/FUL 57 New Lane Pace, Crossens PR9 8LN

Proposed 1st Flr alterations inc new window

26.06.2020 2020/0476/LDC Land and Building adjacent to Rose Cottage , Hundred End Lane, Hesketh Bank

Certificate of Lawfulness – Use of building & land

15.06.2020 2020/0488/FUL Blackberry Barn, Marsh Road, Banks, PR9 8DX

Single storey dual pitched extension

29.06.2020` 2020/0486/FUL 12 Schwartzman Drive, Banks, PR9 8BG

Ground Flr and 1st Flr rear and side extension


26/20   Date of next meeting     


Community Centre


Tuesday 8th September 2020     @     7.15 pm


Part Two


27/20   Leisure Centre


Not a lot to report as the centre is shut at the moment and business plan will have to be adjusted.