Minutes July 2020
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 14th July 2020
At Leisure Centre, Banks
Commenced : 19.15
Concluded: 20.25
Present: Bill Abram Chris Lennon
Steve Douglas Brenda Wright
Dorothy Hames John Howard
Parish Clerk Angela Jenkins
Public Participation
- None
14/20 Apologies
- Cllr Baxter due to family commitment
15/20 Declarations of Interest
- All Councillors reminded they may need to update Register of Interests
16/20 Minutes of the previous meeting
- Approved
17/20 Police Report (verbal)
- Not present
- Cllr Abram did wish to point that there is a new policeman PC Steve who is taking a proactive roll in the village and aware of problems faced, and interactive with residents and businesses.
18/20 Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken
- North Meols archers have the approval of the PC to use the building on Aveling Drive field to store equipment.. Parish Clerk will arrange with them for keys.
- All agreed for Parish Clerk to apply for online banking for the Parish Accounts.
- Help was requested in Maintaining St Stephens Graveyard, Cllr Abram followed up plans to help with works in graveyard with volunteers, a lot of work has been now done with lots of help from volunteers and Councillors. Still ongoing
- The Parish Council donated £200 to the Covid Support Group in Banks Village £ 149.00 has been returned to PC we will keep a Cash Float in case of any further needs in the Community.
19/20 FinanceAccounts for payment July 2020
Chq No. | Payee | Description | Amount |
4003 | Angela Jenkins | Salary | £ 844.66 |
4004 | Clare Murphy | Salary | £ 533.65 |
4005 | Jean Mannering | Salary | £ 249.03 |
4006 | HMRC | Tax and NI | £ 71.31 |
4007 | J A Williamson | Grass Cutting June – 4 x St Stephens Church Yard, 2 x Aveling Drive and Hesketh Avenue Playing Fields | £ 576.00 |
4008 | Companies House | Registering LC Replacing Chq No:3979
(Which was returned). |
£ 35.00 |
4009 | Altys | Bulk Bags to remove rubbish from graveyard | £ 48.00 |
List circulated |
- Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly
20/20 Year End Accounts
- Year End Accounts 2019/2020 presented, approved and signed.
21/20 Correspondence for Information
- Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
- Emails sent June/July all duly noted and no further action taken
22/20 To receive recommendations of projects that benefit the Parish
- Requested help with Ton Bags to remove rubble may require up to £200.00 would appreciate help, agreed by Councillors, if and when necessary
- A request had been made for a commemorative bench in the village and it was agreed the Parish Council will donate £ 100.00 towards the coast.
- Car Park sign necessary.
- Going forward on next agenda bus shelters and Christmas lights
23/20 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies
- Corporate Planning
- Community Centre
- As yet no opening date for the Community Centre
- Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
Fencing needs repairing Angela to approach Duncan Ross who fitted the fencing.
September Audit of Playground going ahead.
- Health Issues
- Nothing to Report
- Health & Safety
- Nothing to Report
- Finance
- Nothing to report
24/20 Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor
- Angela to contact Cllr Lockie to come to future meetings.
25/20 Planning
Weekly Planning Lists
Date | Reference | Address |
24.05.2020 | 2020/04/FUL | 57 New Lane Pace, Crossens PR9 8LN
Proposed 1st Flr alterations inc new window |
26.06.2020 | 2020/0476/LDC | Land and Building adjacent to Rose Cottage , Hundred End Lane, Hesketh Bank
Certificate of Lawfulness – Use of building & land |
15.06.2020 | 2020/0488/FUL | Blackberry Barn, Marsh Road, Banks, PR9 8DX
Single storey dual pitched extension |
29.06.2020` | 2020/0486/FUL | 12 Schwartzman Drive, Banks, PR9 8BG
Ground Flr and 1st Flr rear and side extension |
26/20 Date of next meeting
Community Centre
Tuesday 8th September 2020 @ 7.15 pm
Part Two
27/20 Leisure Centre
Not a lot to report as the centre is shut at the moment and business plan will have to be adjusted.