Minutes July 2016
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12 July 2016
at the Banks Community Centre, Hoole Lane.
Commenced 19.15
Concluded 21.30
Present: Chris Lennon
Dorothy Hames
Steven Douglas
Malcolm Barron
Tom Blane
Paul Blane
James O’Hare
Parish Clerk David Maughan
Public Participation
• Three members of the public were present
• One resident was concerned about the Greaves Hall development insofar as the details were similar to the Redrow development which was declined, a good access road was to be re-sited, it would affect the school and Greaves Hall Avenue, the opening of the lay-by had Health & Safety concerns, there would be increased traffic and the route of the new road, and red oak trees would be disturbed.
• The other two members of the public were connected to the commercial users already on site and were again concerned about access via Greaves Hall Lane, the new route would have to accommodate the numerous HGV’s, and worries on Health & Safety issues through these HGV’s and the proximity of the school.
• The public members were given ample opportunity to air their concerns and advised this matter would be further dealt with under ‘Planning’ below (49/16)
35/16 Apologies
• Cllr Bill Abram (Holiday)
36/16 Declarations of Interest
• None
37/16 Minutes of the previous meeting
38/16 Police Report (verbal)
• Not present
39/16 Clerk’s progress report on decisions taken at last meeting.
• Nothing other than what is covered in Agenda
40/16 Clerk’s report on any urgent decisions taken since last meeting
41/16 Finance