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Minutes January 2018


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 9 January 2018
At the Banks Community Centre, Hoole Lane.

Commenced 19.15
Concluded 20.30
Present: Bill Abram
Dorothy Hames
Chris Lennon
Steven Douglas
Tom Blane
Harry Pendlebury

Parish Clerk David Maughan

Public Participation

• None present

118/17 Apologies

• Cllrs O’Hare and Barron were not present

119/17 Declarations of Interest

• None

120/17 Minutes of the previous meeting

• Approved

121/17 Police Report (verbal)

• Not present

122/17 Clerk’s progress report on decisions taken at last meeting.

• Nothing to report

123/17 Clerk’s report on any urgent decisions taken since last meeting

• Nothing to report

124/17 Finance

Chq No. Payee Description Amount
Clare Murphy Salary 487.50
Jean Mannering Salary 227.50
David Maughan Salary 753.53
HMRC Tax & NI 115.07
W J Johnson Christmas Star rope 71.99
David Maughan Q4 Expenses 532.75
Duncan Ross Ltd Drainage 20000.00

• It was agreed that rather than pay the full amount of the invoice, we would pay Duncan Ross Ltd £20,000 ‘on account’ given that the drainage had not yet been completed with balance payable on completion

125/17 Correspondence for Information

Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors

126/17 To receive an update on Leisure Centre

• Mark Forster (WLSP) was supposed to address the meeting but unfortunately he had had an illness and was too ill to be present.
• To be rearranged

127/17 To receive an update in respect of the works at Hesketh Avenue

• Drainage works almost complete

128/17 To confirm requirements in respect of the 2018-2019 Budget and confirm the proposals

• The Council sub-committee had previously met to discuss and make appropriate proposals
• Agreed that we would submit a request for precept payment of £51,000 for forthcoming 2018-2019 Budget to WLBC

129/17 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies

a) Police and Community Together (PACT) Panel

Nothing to report

b) Corporate Planning

Nothing to report

c) Community Centre

Nothing to report

d) Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)

Nothing to report

e) Health Issues

Noted that a new doctor had been identified and would be covering for three days a week

f) Banks Carnival

Nothing to report

g) Health & Safety

• Cllr Abram reported that a team was being formed to assist in general tidy up in the village
• Megan Baxter was part of the group
• First scheduled meeting 10 Feb 2018

h) Finance

Nothing to report

130/17 Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor

• Nothing to report

131/17 Updates from Lancashire County Councillor

• Not present

132/17 Planning

Weekly Planning Lists

Date Reference Address
02/01/2018 2017/1153/FUL Dandys Barn
19/12/2017 2017/1282/FUL 372 Gravel Lane

133/17 Date of next meeting

Community Centre
13 February 2018
7.15 pm