Minutes January 2017
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 10 January 2017
at the Banks Community Centre, Hoole Lane.
Commenced 19.15
Concluded 20.30
Present: Bill Abram
Dorothy Hames
Tom Blane
Chris Lennon
Malcolm Barron
Steven Douglas
Harry Pendlebury
Parish Clerk David Maughan
Public Participation
- Four members of the public were in attendance
- These included representatives from Seddon Homes in connection with the Greaves Hall site
- We were advised that original plan has been revised to now incorporate 131 homes
- Possible Planning meeting in either February or March
- Now incorporated traffic calming measures (level crossing type)
- £70k available to improve the area (possible road widening scheme)
- Financial report submitted to WLBC
- No affordable homes included
127/16 Apologies
- Cllr James O’Hare not present
128/16 Declarations of Interest
- None
129/16 Minutes of the previous meeting
130/16 Police Report (verbal)
- Not present although Clerk advised that there had been a positive meeting with new officer and Clerk and Cllr Abram
- Cllr Abram hopeful of taking forward these meetings on a regular basis
131/16 Clerk’s progress report on decisions taken at last meeting.
- Clerk had contacted WLBC to discuss utilisation of the CCTV
- Advised that WLBC had considered dismantling system but this had now been decided against and they are still being used
- No intention at present time to discontinue
- Clerk advised that meeting arranged with John Nelson from WLBC for 17 January to discuss Leisure Centre developments
132/16 Clerk’s report on any urgent decisions taken since last meeting
- Clerk advised that bus shelter on Hoole Lane had been damaged and has now been removed. Matter has been reported to WLBC and Police and we await developments
133/16 Finance
Chq No. | Payee | Description | Amount |
Clare Murphy | Salary | 468.00 | |
Jean Mannering | Salary | 218.40 | |
David Maughan | Salary | 786.54 | |
HMRC | Tax & NI | 33.03 | |
David Maughan | Q4 2016 Expenses | 481.24 | |
Neil Boylan | Path on entrance to field | 233.30 |
134/16 Correspondence for Information
Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
135/16 To discuss proposals for formulating 2017 – 2018 Council Budget
- Clerk and Cllrs Pendlebury, Lennon, and Douglas to meet to take forward
- Meeting arranged for 6.45 on 17 January 2017, at Community Centre
136/16 To review and ratify the continued use of all policy documents
- Deferred until February meeting
137/16 To discuss policy relating to utilisation of CIL monies in 2017/18 and thereafter
- Agreed to retain as an agenda item for next meeting
- Possible developments when we meet with John Nelson to discuss Leisure Centre
138/16 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies
- Police and Community Together (PACT) Panel
Nothing to report.
- Corporate Planning
Nothing to report.
- Community Centre
- A Jeff Smith had requested use of Community Centre for financial advice surgery
- Commercial venture and request declined
- Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
Nothing to report
- Health Issues
Nothing to report
- Banks Carnival
Tree lights to be considered
- Health & Safety
Nothing to report
- Finance
Nothing to report
139//16 Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor and Lancashire County Councillor
- Enforcement order for Chapel Lane
- Chapel Close negotiations with Chapel ongoing and Cllr Abram to take forward
- A565 Speed limit to be changed and cameras to be installed
- Action needed on Sugar Stubbs Lane
140/16 Planning
Weekly Planning List
Date | Reference | Address |
20/12/2016 | 2016/1127/FUL | 34 Station Road |
20/12/2016 | 2016/1235/FUL | Goose Dub Farm |
Planning Delegated Decisions
Date | Reference | Address | Outcome |
20/12/2016 | 2016/0770/FUL | Wilmar, Marsh Road | Refused |
20/12/2016 | 2016/1025/FUL | 10 The Avenue | Granted |
20/12/2016 | 2016/1123/FUL | 3 Charnleys Lane | Granted |
141/16 Date of next meeting
Community Centre
14 February 2017
7.15 pm