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Minutes December 2022

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13.12.2022
At the Hub, Banks
Commenced : 19.15
Concluded: 20.30
Present: Bill Abram John Howard Dorothy Hames
Chris Lennon Linda Gresty Lawrence Baxter
Parish Clerk Angela Jenkins

Public Participation
 None
89/22 Apologies
 Steven Douglas
90/22 Declarations of Interest
 None
91/22 Minutes of the previous meeting 08.11. 22
 Approved
92/22 Police Report
 Nothing to report.
93/22 Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken at last meeting and any urgent decisions
 Nothing to Report

94/22 Finance Accounts for payment December 2022
Chq No. Payee Description Amount
4325 – 4327 Staff Remuneration £ 1,637.88
4328 Banks Printers Christmas Event Leaflets £ 96.00
4329 Briarlee Nurseries Christmas Tree and Lights £ 1,380.00
4330/331 Cheques Cancelled
4332 Williamson Engineering Gazebos Christmas Market £ 240.00
4333 H Fraser Consulting Ltd Flood Survey Part Cost £ 1,291.50
4334 Cheque Cancelled
4335 Peter Caunce Roofer Strip and repair front elevation at 44 Hoole Lane £ 480.00
4336 Securodoor Ltd Strip out and replace damaged fire exit door at 44
Hoole land £ 1,020.00
4337 JJ & B Projects Work in conjunction with Securodoor internally £ 425.00
4338 A Guest Rides for Street Market Christmas £ 1,050.00
4339 Future Form Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Bench £ 538.80
4340 Scouts (Ormskirk) Donation £ 100.00
4341 St Stephens Church Donations towards cost of lighting tree £ 150.004342 Douglas Cardiac Trust Charity donation £ 100.00
4343 Rufford Printing
Company A5 Youth Club Leaflets Pd by BA £ 110.00
4343 Enigma Signs Printed Banner – Paid By BA £ 216.00
Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment
schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly
 Balance on Current Bank Account £ 43,009.70 – Reserve Account £ 24,151.11
95/22 Correspondence for Information
 Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
Request from Cllr Abram for no 4 and no 21 on list.
96/22 Emails Sent to Councillors Nov/Dec
 The Elizabeth II Memorial Bench by Futurform agreed would like to purchase but Cllr Abram checked with
Church and they are happy to have it in churchyard Clerk to go ahead and purchase.
97/22 To Receive update from WLB Councillors
 At the full Council meeting 14th December the £ 4.2 million levelling up fund to be discussed and will inform
Parish Council regarding strategies.
98/22 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and
outside bodies
a) Corporate Planning
 None
b) Hoole Lane Centre Centre
 Nothing to report
c) Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
 Problem with Roundabout, still ongoing so Council agreed Clerk to contact Proludic to arrange remedial
work to take place at cost of £ 600.00.
d) Health Issues
 Nothing to Report
e) Health & Safety
 Nothing to report
f) Finance
 Nothing to report
99/22 Weekly Planning Lists
Date Reference Address Response DL
23.11.22 2022/1167/FUL Co-Op Banks, 1 Hoole Rd, install charging bays in the
car Park. 23.12.22
21.11.22 2022/1013/FUL 78 Station Rd, Banks , retrospective change of use to
self employed garage
08.11.22 2022/1099/FUL Home Farm, Georges Lane, Banks Install conservatory
to rear of property
20.10.22 2022/1129/ARM Land to west of Todds Ln, Banks, approval of reserved
matters outline planning
16.12.22Decisions Determined Under the Delegated System
Date Reference Address Outcome
27.11.22 2022/0721/FUL Mayfield, Moss Lane, Churchtown, Banks Withdrawn
 There has been an objection by the neighbouring property owners regarding the placement of the
charging units also as the carpark is so small there is an objection to another electric charging point
taking up parking space. Councillors Hames and Howard will investigate this online.
 Otterbrook is still an ongoing issue with WLBC and Parish Notice Board
100/22 Christmas Event Hoole Lane
 The event was a great success, enjoyed by everyone, just one point raised that it was rather dangerous
crossing the road to the Church for the switching on of the lights. This will be addressed when booked
again next year.
101/22 Bus Shelters Update
 Details have been sent to Councillors they will inspect shelters and decide what level of work required to
each., to be confirmed in New Year.
102/22 Flood Issues
 Report is still being developed.
103/22 Spids Ralphs Wifes Lane/Banks Road
 Investigating full procedure with LCC will be finalised in new Year.
104//22 Date of Next Meeting
At the Hub Community and Leisure Centre, Greaves Hall Avenue, Banks
Tuesday 14th February 2023 Meeting @ 7.15 pm