Minutes December 2016
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13 December 2016
at the Banks Community Centre, Hoole Lane.
Commenced 19.15
Concluded 21.00
Present: Bill Abram
Dorothy Hames
Tom Blane
Chris Lennon
Malcolm Barron
Parish Clerk David Maughan
Public Participation
- No members of the public were in attendance although six members of staff and two GP’s were present from the Health Centre by arrangement
- They gave a resume of up to date position, including description of telephone cover, and the walk in service
- Advised that they were working hard to overcome incoming mail problem
- Advised they had had problems in respect of boundary issues with resultant catchment area problems
- Advised that 50% of patients were dealt with via telephone service
- Targeted aim was for structured care and working with local nursing homes with a pro-active rather than reactive stance being utilised
- We suggested that they prepare an article for inclusion on next newsletter early in New Year
- After they had departed, Councillors commented that they were very impressed that so many of them had made an effort to attend and this was seen as a good demonstration of their commitment to improving their service to the local community
107/16 Apologies
- Cllr Steven Douglas not present as he had a family commitment to attend
108/16 Declarations of Interest
- None
109/16 Minutes of the previous meeting
110/16 Co-option of Harry Pendlebury on to the Council
- Duly co-opted
111/16 To formally acknowledge the work undertaken by Paul Blane whilst he served on the Council
- Unanimously agreed that the clerk to send a letter to Paul thanking him for all his work whilst he served as a Parish and Borough Councillor
112/16 Police Report (verbal)
- Not present although meeting with Clerk arranged for visit from new officer and Cllr Abram also to attend
113/16 Clerk’s progress report on decisions taken at last meeting.
- Clerk advised that following intervention from Cllr Tom Blane, new bus stop ordered and would be in place before end of year
- To be paid for by developers of Hoole Lane site
114/16 Clerk’s report on any urgent decisions taken since last meeting
- No urgent decisions taken since last meeting
115/16 Finance
Chq No. | Payee | Description | Amount |
03676 | Clare Murphy | Salary | 468.00 |
03677 | Jean Mannering | Salary | 218.40 |
03678 | David Maughan | Salary | 786.54 |
03679 | HMRC | Tax & NI | 33.03 |
03686 | 60TH Cubs & Beavers | Donation | 75.00 |
03687 | 1st Banks Brownies | Donation | 75.00 |
03688 | 1st Banks Beavers | Donation | 75.00 |
03689 | Banks Brass Band | Donation | 75.00 |
03690 | Banks Methodist Church | Donation | 75.00 |
03691 | St Stephens Church | Donation | 75.00 |
03692 | Church at the centre | Donation | 75.00 |
03680 | SLCC | Membership renewal | 131.00 |
03681 | Briarlee Nurseries | Christmas tree and lights | 560.00 |
03682 | Bill Abram | Glow sticks | 48.96 |
03683 | The Royal British Legion | Poppy Appeal | 20.00 |
03684 | Banks Printers | A4 Leaflets | 170.00 |
03685 | John Johnson | Repairs to shelter & club car park | 1281.24 |
03693 | 1st Banks Girls Brigade | Donation | 75.00 |
116/16 Correspondence for Information
Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
117/16 To consider ‘Funding for Children’
- To be retained as an agenda item to be discussed at next meeting
118/16 To discuss ‘Funding for Community Groups’
- Cllr Abram provided a schedule of Community Groups to receive donations – see 115/16 above
119/16 To discuss position in respect of bus shelter on Hoole Lane
- See 113/16 above
- New bus shelter ordered and should be in situ prior to end of year
- Clerk to contact LCC in respect of bus shelter on Chapel Lane
120/16 To discuss policy relating to utilisation of CIL monies in 2017/18 and thereafter
- Agreed to retain as an agenda item for next meeting
- Councillors to give some consideration as to what to include for expenditure
- Possible to form a Working Committee to take forward
121/16 To discuss approaching WLBC in respect of their CCTV network
- Clerk to contact WLBC to request consideration as to taking this forward
122/16 To consider erection of Christmas street decorations going forward from 2017
- Cllr Malcolm Barron to take this forward with WLBC/LCC
123/16 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies
- Police and Community Together (PACT) Panel
Nothing to report.
- Corporate Planning
Nothing to report.
- Community Centre
Nothing to report
- Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
Nothing to report
- Health Issues
Cllr Hames to take on responsibility for this matter
- Banks Carnival
Nothing to report
- Health & Safety
Nothing to report
- Finance
Nothing to report
124//16 Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor and Lancashire County Councillor
- Cllr Blane covered the Medical Commission Group
- Cllr Barron advised stll awaiting a response from Government on the Green Lane link
- Still awaiting developments on Local Enterprise Partnership
125/16 Planning
Weekly Planning List
Date | Reference | Address |
22/11/2016 | 2016/1123/FUL | 3 Charnleys Lane |
22/11/2016 | 2016/1164/FUL | 49 Station Road |
06/12/2016 | 2016/1218/FUL | 67 Gorsey Lane |
13/12/2016 | 2016/1037/FUL | 30 Ralphs Wifes Lane |
13/12/2016 | 2016/1217/FUL | Guinea Hall Lane |
Planning Delegated Decisions
Date | Reference | Address | Outcome |
13/12/2016 | 2016/0886/FUL | 2 Gorsey Lane | Granted |
13/12/2016 | 2016/1013/FUL | 3 Georges Lane | Refused |
- Cllr Hames to prepare letter to WLBC in connection with Guinea Hall Lane
126/16 Date of next meeting
Community Centre
10 January 2017
7.15 pm