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Minutes December 2016



Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13 December 2016  

at the Banks Community Centre,  Hoole Lane.


Commenced 19.15 

                                                                                                            Concluded   21.00            

            Present:           Bill Abram

Dorothy Hames

Tom Blane

Chris Lennon

Malcolm Barron


Parish Clerk   David Maughan


Public Participation


  • No members of the public were in attendance although six members of staff and two GP’s were present from the Health Centre by arrangement
  • They gave a resume of up to date position, including description of telephone cover, and the walk in service
  • Advised that they were working hard to overcome incoming mail problem
  • Advised they had had problems in respect of boundary issues with resultant catchment area problems
  • Advised that 50% of patients were dealt with via telephone service
  • Targeted aim was for structured care and working with local nursing homes with a pro-active rather than reactive stance being utilised
  • We suggested that they prepare an article for inclusion on next newsletter early in New Year
  • After they had departed, Councillors commented that they were very impressed that so many of them had made an effort to attend and this was seen as a good demonstration of their commitment to improving their service to the local community



107/16 Apologies


  • Cllr Steven Douglas not present as he had a family commitment to attend


108/16 Declarations of Interest


  • None


109/16             Minutes of the previous meeting




110/16             Co-option of Harry Pendlebury on to the Council


  • Duly co-opted


111/16 To formally acknowledge the work undertaken by Paul Blane whilst he served on the Council


  • Unanimously agreed that the clerk to send a letter to Paul thanking him for all his work whilst he served as a Parish and Borough Councillor


112/16 Police Report (verbal)


  • Not present although meeting with Clerk arranged for visit from new officer and Cllr Abram also to attend


113/16 Clerk’s progress report on decisions taken at last meeting.


  • Clerk advised that following intervention from Cllr Tom Blane, new bus stop ordered and would be in place before end of year
  • To be paid for by developers of Hoole Lane site


114/16 Clerk’s report on any urgent decisions taken since last meeting


  • No urgent decisions taken since last meeting


115/16 Finance


Chq No. Payee Description Amount
03676 Clare Murphy Salary 468.00
03677 Jean Mannering Salary 218.40
03678 David Maughan Salary 786.54
03679 HMRC Tax & NI 33.03
03686 60TH Cubs & Beavers Donation 75.00
03687 1st Banks Brownies Donation 75.00
03688 1st Banks Beavers Donation 75.00
03689 Banks Brass Band Donation 75.00
03690 Banks Methodist Church Donation 75.00
03691 St Stephens Church Donation 75.00
03692 Church at the centre Donation 75.00
03680 SLCC Membership renewal 131.00
03681 Briarlee Nurseries Christmas tree and lights 560.00
03682 Bill Abram Glow sticks 48.96
03683 The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 20.00
03684 Banks Printers A4 Leaflets 170.00
03685 John Johnson Repairs to shelter & club car park 1281.24
03693 1st Banks Girls Brigade Donation 75.00


116/16 Correspondence for Information


Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors


117/16 To consider ‘Funding for Children’


  • To be retained as an  agenda item to be discussed at next meeting




118/16 To discuss ‘Funding for Community Groups’


  • Cllr Abram provided a schedule of Community Groups to receive donations – see 115/16 above


119/16 To discuss position in respect of bus shelter on Hoole Lane


  • See 113/16 above
  • New bus shelter ordered and should be in situ prior to end of year
  • Clerk to contact LCC in respect of bus shelter on Chapel Lane


120/16 To discuss policy relating to utilisation of CIL monies in 2017/18 and thereafter


  • Agreed to retain as an agenda item for next meeting
  • Councillors to give some consideration as to what to include for expenditure
  • Possible to form a Working Committee to take forward


121/16 To discuss approaching WLBC in respect of their CCTV network


  • Clerk to contact WLBC to request consideration as to taking this forward


122/16 To consider erection of Christmas street decorations going forward from 2017


  • Cllr Malcolm Barron to take this forward with WLBC/LCC


123/16 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies


  1. Police and Community Together (PACT) Panel


Nothing to report.


  1. Corporate Planning


Nothing to report.


  1. Community Centre


Nothing to report


  1. Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)


Nothing to report


  1. Health Issues


Cllr Hames to take on responsibility for this matter


  1. Banks Carnival


Nothing to report


  1. Health & Safety


Nothing to report


  1. Finance


Nothing to report


124//16            Updates from West Lancashire Borough Councillor and Lancashire County Councillor


  • Cllr Blane covered the Medical Commission Group
  • Cllr Barron advised stll awaiting a response from Government on the Green Lane link
  • Still awaiting developments on Local Enterprise Partnership


125/16 Planning


Weekly Planning List


Date Reference Address
22/11/2016 2016/1123/FUL 3 Charnleys Lane
22/11/2016 2016/1164/FUL 49 Station Road
06/12/2016 2016/1218/FUL 67 Gorsey Lane
13/12/2016 2016/1037/FUL 30 Ralphs Wifes Lane
13/12/2016 2016/1217/FUL Guinea Hall Lane


Planning Delegated Decisions


Date Reference Address Outcome
13/12/2016 2016/0886/FUL 2 Gorsey Lane Granted
13/12/2016 2016/1013/FUL 3 Georges Lane Refused



  • Cllr Hames to prepare letter to WLBC in connection with Guinea Hall Lane


126/16 Date of next meeting


Community Centre

10 January 2017

7.15 pm