Minutes April 2022
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12th April 2022
At the Hub, Banks
Commenced : 19.15
Concluded: 20.30
Present: Bill Abram John Howard Dorothy Hames
Chris Lennon Lawrence Baxter Steve Douglas
Linda Gresty
Parish Clerk Angela Jenkins
185/21 Public Participation
- None
186/21 Apologies
- None
187/21 Declarations of Interest
- Cllr Hames (regarding Groundsman)
188/21 Minutes of the previous meeting 8th March 2022
- Approved
189/21 Police Report
- A lot of antisocial behaviour in the village, Police have visited parents. Patrolling village in 3 shifts, but no reports of trouble since.
190/21 Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken at last meeting and any urgent decisions
- None
191/21 FinanceAccounts for payment April 2022
Chq No. | Payee | Description | Amount |
4236,37,39 | Staff | Remuneration | £ 1,527.21 |
4238 | A Jenkins | Expenses | £ 412.57 |
4240 | Bill Abram Pd for Preston Ind Plastics | Ducting and Coupling for CCTV cabling for Hesketh Avenue Field | £ 515.82 |
4241 | MDH serves Grp Ltd | Install base and ducting for cabinet to Hesketh Avenue | £ 2,340.00 |
4242 | LALC | Membership Fee | £ 639.47 |
4243 | JJ & B Projects | Locks after break in | £ 55.00 |
4244 | Badger Alarms & CCTV Ltd | CCTV System for Playing Field Hesketh Avenue | £ 6,900.00 |
4245 | Redblade Mowers | Service mowers and strimmers | £ 407.26 |
4246 | Redblade Mowers | Re-build engine on mower | £ 342.55 |
4247 | Cllr Howard Pd for various materials | Labour and materials, fitting signs, repairing seats, filling holes, and general Maintenance Hesketh Avenue Playing Field | £ 500.78 |
4248 | Champion Newspapers | Advert | £ 175.32 |
Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment schedule are approved and cheques signed by authorised signatories accordingly
- Balance on Current Bank Account £ 7,229.55 – Reserve Accounts £ 33,227.90
- Year end accounts to be presented next meeting
192/21 Correspondence for Information
- Schedule of correspondence received circulated to all councillors
193/21 Emails Sent to Councillors March/April
- Agreed Parish will help with the Rainbow Ramble (Donate)
- Clerk to purchase slow down bin stickers
- Spid policy Q&A to be completed by Clerk
194/21 Contracts for works for Parish Council to be reviewed
- Passed and seconded decision to employ J Fewtrell this year as contractor for grounds work
195/21 To Receive update from WLB Councillors
- A request for a seat to be placed opposite Hoole Lane Centre, to be considered.
196/21 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies
- Corporate Planning
It has been requested that the Parish continue to look after Aveling Drive, though not fit for purpose, passed to do so .
- Hoole Lane Centre Centre
- A Skip needed to clear out un wanted and damaged equipment.
- The Food hub going to renovate the area and take over the opposite side of building to the Post Office.
- Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
- Work still continuing on Cadent works for gas sender.
- Health Issues
- Nothing to Report
- Health & Safety
- The Skate Park requires some maintenance to look into a firm that can repair.
- Finance
- Nothing to report
197/21 Planning
Weekly Planning Lists
Date | Reference | Address |
11.03.22 | 2022/0194/FUL | Square House Ln, Banks, Two storey extension |
15.03.22 | 2022/0212/FUL | Land to west of Todds Lane,Banks variation of no3 of 2019/0371/OUT |
16.03.22 | 2022/0312/FUL | 2D Gravel Lane, Banks, Southport Retrospective approval for errection on canopy extension |
16.03.22 | 2022/0313/PNP | 2D Gravel Lane, Banks, App to determine if Planning Permission required |
Planning Delegated Decisions
Date | Reference | Address | Outcome |
20.03.22 | 2021/1382/FUL | Site of former Otterbrook, Moss Lane, Churchtown – replacement of a garage | Refused |
27.03.22 | 2022/0024/FUL | Mathews farm, Marsh Rd, Banks single storey rear extension amended fenestration | Refused |
16.03.22 | 2022/0037/LDP | Square House Farm,Banks proposed single storey ext attached store to side of dwelling house (Proposed) | Not Permitted |
All agreed and no action to be taken forward to WLBC in respect of above planning matters except 2022/0212//FUL.
198/21 Planning
- A letter is to be drafted and forwarded to the Planning Department regarding Application 2022/0212/FUL
199/21 Community Assistant
- Decision made that a new member of staff is not necessary at this moment in time.
200/21 Date of Next Meeting
At the Hub Community and Leisure Centre, Greaves Hall Avenue, Banks
Tuesday 10th May 2022 Meeting and AGM @ 7.00pm