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Agenda September 2020


The next meeting will be held 8th September 2020 at 7.15 pm

At Banks Community Centre, Hoole Lane, Banks

Meeting called by:  The Parish Clerk                         In the Chair:     Cllr. Bill Abram

Type of meeting:     Monthly                                       Clerk:                Angela Jenkins

Email Recipients:        All Parish Councillors


You are hereby summoned to attend:

Prior to the business of the meeting there will be no session for public participation, limited to Parish Council issues (Due to COVID 19 prceedures).

1.         Apologies: To receive apologies and to approve reasons for absence.

2.         Declarations of Interest.

a. Register of Interests: Councillors are reminded of the need to update their                      register of interests.

b. To declare any disclosable pecuniary interests (DPI) or non-pecuniary interests in items on the agenda and their nature. (Councillors with DPIs must leave the meeting for the relevant items).

3.         Minutes: To consider the approval of the minutes and e-mails sent to Council Members

Regarding 14th July 2020 meeting.

4.         Police Report

5.         Clerk’s Report

            Contacted Duncan Ross re fencing report

            The Website has to be upgraded and costs

            Been contacted about box for utilities obstructing view.

            Bus Shelters

            Christmas Lights

6          Finance

            To consider payments to be made on list circulated

            Approval of year end accounts

            Sign different AGAR form

7.         Correspondence for Information.

To note the appendix of items, which will be available, should anyone request any specific item. Sent with this Agenda

8.         Other Business:

            Banks Methodist Church Signage on roundabout

            Planning issue No:  2019/1199/FUL Change in permission Cllr Lockie

            Bus Shelter Damaged

            Re-Opening of Community Centre

            Emails Sent to Councillors July/August discussion

            20.07.20          British Red Cross

            24.07.20          Electricity Bill

            13.08.20          Thank you email from St Stephens Head Mrs Joanne Owen

            13.08.20          Mr & Mrs Connington, 43 Fleetwood Crescent, Banks

            17.08.20          Call for housing sites

            19.08.20          LALC Planning Consultation

            19.08.20          Mr Rushton enquiring about Allotments available

            21.08.20          Hand Sanitising Stations

            21.08.20          September Clean 11th – 27th

            21.08.20          Switch to Cycling Campaign

9.         To receive any reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups/outside bodies.

  1. Corporate Planning.
  • Community Centre.
  • Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)

Playground RoSPA report (sent out in advance of meeting)

Issues with products being left lying about

  • Health Issues (Cllr. Hames)
  • Health & Safety
  • Finance

10        To receive an update from West Lancashire Borough Councillors

11        Planning.

To consider the weekly list of planning applications, to note any decisions made, and any other planning matters brought to the notice of the Parish Council as detailed on the list attached

            Councillor Abram to report on Planning Meeting

12        Date of next meeting

To confirm the date and location of next meeting scheduled for Tuesday 13th October 2020.

Part Two.

Members of the press and public are excluded

12.       Leisure Centre update.

Angela Jenkins 

Clerk to North Meols Parish Council