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Agenda June 2017



The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 13 June 2017, at 7.15 pm at Banks Community Centre, Hoole Lane.


Meeting called by:  The Parish Clerk                        In the Chair:     Cllr. Bill Abram


Type of meeting:     Monthly                          Clerk:                David Maughan


Attendees:               All Parish Councillors




You are hereby summoned to attend


Prior to the business of the meeting there will be a session for public participation, limited to Parish Council issues which will be limited to 15 minutes. 


‘Public Voice’ will continue so as to allow members of the public to give information relevant to a specific agenda item.


  1. Apologies: To receive apologies and to approve reasons for absence.


  1. Declarations of Interest.
  2. Register of Interests: Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests.
  3. To declare any disclosable pecuniary interests (DPI) or non-pecuniary interests in items on the agenda and their nature. (Councillors with DPIs must leave the meeting for the relevant items).


  1. Minutes: To consider the approval of the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 9 May 2017 (previously circulated).


4          Police Report (verbal). There has also been a request to discuss developments in connection with proposed meeting with local police representative in the locality


5          Clerk’s progress report on decisions taken at the last meeting.


6          Clerk’s report on any urgent decisions taken since the last meeting.


7          Finance

  • To consider payments to be made as on list circulated


8          Correspondence for Information.

To note the appendix of items, which will be available, should anyone request any specific item.


9          To receive update on Hoole Lane bus shelter


10        To receive an update in respect of ongoing discussions with WLBC regarding the Leisure Centre


11        To consider the purchase of another SPID device for erection on Station Road


12        To consider the purchase of a bus shelter for Chapel Lane


13        To receive any reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups/outside bodies.


  1. a) Corporate Planning.
  2. b) Community Centre.
  3. c) Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)

            To note inspection reports.

  1. d) Health Issues (Cllr. Hames)
  2. e)  Banks Carnival.
  3. f) Health & Safety
  4. g)  Finance


14        To receive an update from West Lancashire Borough Councillors


15        To receive an update from Lancashire County Councillor


16        Planning.

To consider the weekly list of planning applications, to note any decisions made, and any other planning matters brought to the notice of the Parish Council as detailed on the list attached


17        Date of next meeting

To confirm the date and location of the next meeting scheduled for 11 July 2017








David Maughan (Clerk to North Meols Parish Council).