Minutes Sept 2023
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 10th September 2024
At the Hub, Banks
Commenced : 19.15
Concluded: 20.30
Present: Bill Abram John Howard Sue Lewis Linda Cresty Thomas De Freitas
Parish Clerk Lesley Kerr
Public Participation
- None
49/24 Apologies
- Dorothy Hames
- Steven Douglas
- Christine Lennon
50/24 Declarations of Interest
- None
51/24 Minutes of the previous meeting 9th July 2024
- Approved
52/24 Police Report
- 24 police presence no longer on old school close but police patrol will still be ongoing in the village
53/24 Clerk’s Report/Progress Report on decisions taken at last meeting and any urgent decisions
- Loan to the hub that was agreed was paid and loan agreement signed
- 44 Hoole lane new lease signed Body smart sports massage community health and wellness
- IA report presented to council
54/24 Finance Accounts for payment Aug/Sept 2024
Payee | Description | Amount | |
August Payments | |||
BACS | Staff | Renumeration | £1463.80 |
BACS | Lesley Kerr | Clerks Expenses, Home, Broadband, Printing | £64.99 |
BACS | John Fewtrell | July Invoice for Playing Fields / Church | £3936.00 |
BACS | Kevin Lennon | Replace taps @ 44 Hoole Lane | £40.00 |
BACS | SLCC | Membership | £183.00 |
BACS | The Hub | Loan | £5000.00 |
BACS | William Abram | Hire of Woodchipper | £406.87 |
September Payments | |||
BACS | Staff | Renumeration | £1463.80 |
BACS | John Fewtrell | August Invoice for Playing fields/Church | £2160.00 |
BACS | Lesley Kerr | Clerks Expenses, Home, Broadband & Printing | £ 64.99 |
BACS | Neil Ledbetter | Internal Auditor | £200.00 |
BACS | Playsafety Limited | ROSPA Annual Inspection of the Play Area Hesketh Ave | £127.20 |
BACS | Kevin Lennon | Replace TRV’s Hoole Lane | £65.00 |
BACS | JD Paving | Paving @ 44 Hoole Lane | £395.00 |
BACS | MLB Electrical | Electrical condition report for the HUB | £2599.20 |
BACS | William Abram | Redblade mowers | £145.22 |
Agreed that payments of Accounts since the last meeting are ratified and invoices now presented on the payment schedule are approved and authorised by signatories accordingly for BACS payment,
Balance on Current Bank Account £10877.03 – Reserve Account £ 65361.23
55/24 Emails / Whats App Msg Sent to Councillors July /Aug / Sept
- No follow up
56/24 Christmas event / lights
- Date of this year’s event 8th December.
57/24 To receive reports and recommendations from Members representing the Council on working groups and outside bodies.
- 44 Hoole Lane
- Nothing to report
- Hesketh Ave
- Rospa Report discussed advice from being actioned
- CCTV camera’s upgrade to be completed ASAP
- Health Issues
- Nothing to report
- Health and Safety
- Nothing to report
- Village Issues
- Nothing to report.
58/24 To Receive update from WLB Councillors
- Tawd Valley presented to Parish councillors alongside West Lancashire Cllr’s – Cllr Howard, Cllr DeFreitas, Cllr Eccles regarding the plans for Fleetwood Farm.
- All Cllr’s feel that a mixture of residential and commercial units would better benefit the village than the proposed purely residential plans presented.
- Therefor Parish council are opposed to the current plans
59/24 Decisions Determined Under The Delegated System
Date | Reference | Address | Outcome |
08/07/2024 | 2024/0367/FUL | 39 Church Road Banks Southport Lancashire PR9 8ET | Planning Permission Granted |
21/07/2024 | 2024/0447/FUL | 180 New Lane Pace Banks Southport Lancashire PR9 8HB | Planning Permission Granted |
26/07/2024 | 2024/0106/FUL | Kelowna Georges Lane Banks Southport PR9 8HD | Planning Permission Granted |
All agreed and no action to be taken forward to WLBC in respect of above planning matters
60/24 Future Spending Plans & Projects
- Nothing to Report
61/24 Allotments
- Land on Aveling Drive not fit for Allotments
62/24 Date of Next Meeting
At the Hub Community and Leisure Centre, Greaves Hall Avenue, Banks – Tuesday 8th October 2024
Meeting @ 7.15 pm